Friday, September 29, 2006

Good morning.. I had ever intention of blogging earlier this week.. But, I got engrossed with finishing this little welcome quilt wall hang'n thing we started at quilt club. many thanks to Phyllis who cut out the patterns and had everything ready to go. It's done... It's done.. Now binding on that silly fannel quilt that the Booker cat has claimed and I can start something new.. Think'n or doing a sampler quilt again.. I guess, I just like making different blocks and putting them together and see'n what I get..
Photos are one of Sophie's favorite frog.. She has caught her once... Got slimed .. vomited and was sick for a day.. But, it doesn't stop Sophie.. She just sniffs this frog out and chases her.. the other is the little Welcome pumpkin from quilt club. Didn't realize that I had too much light .. Will try another shot later. We all used our own fabric to finish the block.. So it will be interesting to see at the next meeting what everyone did. We also get to start out round robin for the winter and reveal out fall challenge pieces...
Thanks Finn for the piece on quilting with pearl cotton.. I'm on the hunt for the real stuff.. I used crochet thread on the pumpkin piece as an experiment.. Really big sloppy stitches.. But, fun to feel so free...
My doctor increased my BP med doubling the dose.. Trying to see how this goes..It seems when I take Aleve for those aches of arthritis and plantarfacitis.. it blocks alot of my blood pressure med.. That where the headaches have been coming from.. I think I lost 5 pounds of fluid yesterday.. Wow! That's one way to loss weight.
You all have a good day..I'll keep looking for frogs and turtles..
Sunday, September 24, 2006

The pictures should be Sophie running.. My newest pink baby quilt and a picture of my orchids hanging in the carrot wood tree..
Been lazy days.. My rt foot is hurting so badly that I'm give'n in to going to the doctors.. Aleve helps a little but I guess I should know what I'm dealing with here.. It's making walking the dogs a big pain in the foot..
It's still summer here.. or a very warm fall.. ?The pond in the backyard is dried up and the dogs are chasing little tree frogs that have appeared my the thousands..
Quilt group today.. I'm kind of quilt burned out today.. So we'll see what everyone else is up to.. Oh, my sister Tami...loved the Kawnza Quilt.. No one else that I've ever given a quilt to has gone so over the moon and it was such a simple pattern so I could get it done for her well before December.. Love you Tami..
You all have a good day.. I'm off to try and get the binding on pink baby so I have something to do at club today..
Finn.. I love your quilts and Pat your pics are wonderful... I have to learn how to do links..
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Wow! What a wonderful sound this morning about 6:16 this morning.. double sonic booms. Cats flying for cover.. Dogs barking and running around in circles in wet grass. But.. the shuttle flys by like a flick of the eye.. missed it.. But, watched the landing on nasa select... Tim was working security this morning so he is up there..
Joyce and I are walking Erna Nixon Park today.. or maybe go to the art museum and see what they have on exhibit today.. Free on Thursdays...
Off to walk my friends here who wait patiently...More later.. maybe a pic of the park..
Joyce and I are walking Erna Nixon Park today.. or maybe go to the art museum and see what they have on exhibit today.. Free on Thursdays...
Off to walk my friends here who wait patiently...More later.. maybe a pic of the park..
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Shuttle Delay...coming home.
All we can do here is pray for the shuttle's safe return.. Having lived in the shadow of the shuttle launches since the first one.. It is so hard to sit here earth bound marveling at the technology that gives them flight to reaches I will never know. But, then I won't even fly in an airplane anymore.. My son works at the space center and got us a signed copy of the offical photo of the astronaunts.. So I will pray and the engineering minds will try to fix this latest problem..
Finish Kawnza.. Will mail it out to my sister tomorrow.. She will scream when she touches it.. I just know the.. I can hear her voice right now... "OH, Sharon...."
It really just a little thing..Enjoy sister..
It was a three ring circus today taking three dogs to the vet.. Sophie for her annual exam and shots. Chloe and French Fry for nail clippings.. What a riot of dogs doing circles and jumping.. What happened to my well manored dogs.. the dog whisper failed in me.. They get so excited to go for a ride in the car.. Of course, they didn't want to get out of the car when we got home.. Too funny..Chloe's up to 8 lbs and going on a serious diet.. RD for sure.. (Reduce Calorie science diet with French Fry who has lost 2 lbs.. having eaten a 20 lb bag.. )
I drove the truck to take some aluminum to be recycle for Geoff.. As I'm coming home the clutch went out... Couldn't get first to work, second barely.. third ..going about 30 mph.. not good. I limped it home doing all kinds of praying.. I just hope it isn't one of those things that only happens when I drive his crazy old truck.. I used to be pretty good with standard transmission.. This was a mess..
They say there is a cool front on its way here.. Oh, won't that be grand.. God Bless and good night..
All we can do here is pray for the shuttle's safe return.. Having lived in the shadow of the shuttle launches since the first one.. It is so hard to sit here earth bound marveling at the technology that gives them flight to reaches I will never know. But, then I won't even fly in an airplane anymore.. My son works at the space center and got us a signed copy of the offical photo of the astronaunts.. So I will pray and the engineering minds will try to fix this latest problem..
Finish Kawnza.. Will mail it out to my sister tomorrow.. She will scream when she touches it.. I just know the.. I can hear her voice right now... "OH, Sharon...."
It really just a little thing..Enjoy sister..
It was a three ring circus today taking three dogs to the vet.. Sophie for her annual exam and shots. Chloe and French Fry for nail clippings.. What a riot of dogs doing circles and jumping.. What happened to my well manored dogs.. the dog whisper failed in me.. They get so excited to go for a ride in the car.. Of course, they didn't want to get out of the car when we got home.. Too funny..Chloe's up to 8 lbs and going on a serious diet.. RD for sure.. (Reduce Calorie science diet with French Fry who has lost 2 lbs.. having eaten a 20 lb bag.. )
I drove the truck to take some aluminum to be recycle for Geoff.. As I'm coming home the clutch went out... Couldn't get first to work, second barely.. third ..going about 30 mph.. not good. I limped it home doing all kinds of praying.. I just hope it isn't one of those things that only happens when I drive his crazy old truck.. I used to be pretty good with standard transmission.. This was a mess..
They say there is a cool front on its way here.. Oh, won't that be grand.. God Bless and good night..
Monday, September 18, 2006

Random pic..
I went out yesterday afternoon with Keo and Charlene to JoAnn's. You know never enought fabric.. There is a starbucks right near by.. I got my favorite mocha frabbachino.. (most likely misspellec, but you get the idea).. It was like drinking cold honey.. Oh, so good.. This about 2:30 pm.. 1 a.m. today.. I was still counting quilts. Make quilt this dots.. make a quilt with strips.. make a quilt with stars. You can imagine this.. Dogs got me up at 6:30 this morning.. and we went walking by 7:15 after they had their breakfasts.. So today.. may be a slow one..
I'm going to try some of those funky letters I've seen on some of the blogs I've visited.. Another quilt sheep last night.. Plus, I prayered for everyone. It was a very busy night.. Hey, I hope you all are laughing..
Saturday, September 16, 2006

If I did this correctly there are three pics.. One of my Booker cat. One of the Fat quarters for fall challenge.. One of my latest Streak of Sunshine curtesy of Bonnie's web site..
I am disappointe to say I let my husband talk me out of having key lime pie for breakfast.. Instead I made health pancakes with Bob's 10 grain mix.. and went for a walk with Just Chloe.. Geoff took the other two and they just followed me and picked up the collection of garbage that people deposit each week.. Beer cans, soda cans, food containers now pride in their neighborhood.. Finn.. I feel a soap box coming on here.
Today will be limited to football games and quilting.. Told hubby to leave me alone.. I am watching games all day long.. That I only do this in the fall and he can just live with it.. There aren't many things I can do anymore with fibromyalgia, but watching football is still on my favorite list.
Have a good Saturday..
Friday, September 15, 2006
Yucky morning. Woke up this morning with a bloody nose.. most likely allergies.. bug in my nose.. Yuck.. I just don't know.. Crazy things in my life.. I'm just not feeling very great.. But, dogs and I went for a walk.. Chloe was reluctant to go for a walk or get out of bed.. I put her down on the floor and she jumped back up and curled in a ball. She did come down for breakfast..
I will finish Kaya's quilt today.. and work on a baby quilt I cut out yesterday.. I have pics of my lates buy of fat quarters.. But, too lazy to upload to my other computer and copy to this one.. Will do that later.. God Bless you all and have a good day..
I will finish Kaya's quilt today.. and work on a baby quilt I cut out yesterday.. I have pics of my lates buy of fat quarters.. But, too lazy to upload to my other computer and copy to this one.. Will do that later.. God Bless you all and have a good day..
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I have no idea what pics I'm posting today.. Totally random.
I have become too mouthy of late. I post comments on everyone's site.. I get on my little soap box.. What is happening to me.. Sorry to all of you.. if I'm annoying.. Just a phase.. I'm slowly forgetting how to spell and write.. so I need the practise.
I'm off to do some machine quilting and look for matterial to shredd for Finn's rag rug.. It would do great in my log cabin and I'm sure there is a dog or cat around her who would love it..
I hate Fibromyalgia .. or what ever this crazy thing is that I have.. This random pain pattern is a pain.. And I'm not going to take all their experimental drug combos. Sometimes I just want to go somewhere by myself and be left alone with this crappy pain thing... Yuck.. Okay.. It's been a bad week and I'm venting.. Tomorrow will be different I hope.. pray and beseach the maker.....
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

So if I did the pics right.. There should be picture of the three dogs on walk yesterday.. Then my 9/11/06 pic of my flag flying.. My picture of more ginger blooming. It is amazing.. Earlier this year I felt it would die.. Then there are a couple of pics of this turtle that keeps wandering into our yard off and on.. So we help him over the fence guessing which direction he is headed.. the lake or the swamp. The dogs went crazy barking at him.. But he is an old guy and just ignores them.
I've got one of my quilting groups tonight. It's the wedding ring group.. I'm going propose that we call it such.
It is still soggy here and the mosquitoes are growing. Add to mix love bugs and there are hundreds of thousands of those little sticky feeted frog babies. They are only about 3/8ths of an inch.. The egrets are having a feast , but they will not let me get a pic of them.. They are very shy. The Goose down the street from my house has laid an egg on the side of the road. The dogs gave it a good sniff and walked away.. That could have been a messy sight..
Well, I have to get working on my quilting today.. Have a good day.. And special thanks to Pat for posting some pics from Michelle's shower.
Monday, September 11, 2006

Good morning!
These pics are the shuttle racing away from Brevard County... The little dot is the shuttle about 30 seconds after lift off. 15 miles or so south of the the launch pad. So now I wait for the its return and the shake of my house.. Did not feel the earthquake off of Florida.
I will start pinning the three layers of kawnza quilt together and dreaming of a new project. I'm thinking of taking 4 streak of sunshine and making another large quilt. Plus, I really really need to do about 4 more donation quilts..
All the dogs got baths on Saturday. . Sophie (the Katrina rescue) turns into this shining ball of white hair.. She is so proud of herself.. Chloe curls up into a little ball in a towel and then shakes and shakes.. Prances after.. And the old guy French Fry tolerates this bath.. Guys aren't supposed to smell this sweet.. What is she think'n. He goes out and rolls in the grass.. which is swamp right now.. I'll fix her for doing this to me.. too funny.. I should have had a camera by my side for this one..
Not much else new around here. Migraine had me down for a couple of hours on Sunday. But, I did make a wonderful pot of sauce with sweet italian sausage. My mom would be proud. She has almost forgotten how to cook.. She makes salads and eats frozen dinners.. at what 83 she is amazing. Still looking for a cure for fibromyalgia.. She is going to have nerve blocks done on Tuesday.. I hope this gives her some relief.. She is still dyeing her hair red.. And here I am gray or is it turning white now.. I just don't have time for all this dye stuff or make up for that.. Never got that right..
Off to walk the dogs, get some breakfast, wash the kitchen floor, go to the produce store and dream up something that will look like a wonderful supper for Geoff. He's off working saving the world from power outages..
Got flynn's quilt frame together so now I've got to get a quilt in it and going.. my fingers are itching..
Saturday, September 09, 2006
NO pictures today.. Thank you Finn for the encouragement.. and a oops to Bonnie for getting her name wrong.. with Which I love for inspiration.. Don't quite understand all this copyright stuff.. Most of these foundation block patterns are from women long gone who have left us this rich heritage of quilting in our blood. Very few of us quilters actually make a duplicate copy of someone elses quilt. We us our stitches and color choices.. So they should be our quilts to do with as we wish.. Yes, we share ideas and directions and measurements.. But, only a few of us could copy a quilt and measure it out and have the exact thing that someone else did.. Quilt is getting to be too much about the money game..
Finn .. you got me on my box.. too...
Hey, I'm sitting here waiting for the shuttle to launch.. Beautiful day and I'm praying for a safe lift off.. We won't here much of the rumble because the shuttle will be moving north from us. But, it always is a joyous sight.
And Pat... galavanting photographer.... I hope you are okay and it's your computer that has crashed.. Have a great time at that baby shower today.. I want a photo posted of it...
Peace and God bless you all..happy quilting what ever you have in your head today.. Hurrah the shuttle is off and racing toward the space station.. Hopefully a great mission for all..
Finn .. you got me on my box.. too...
Hey, I'm sitting here waiting for the shuttle to launch.. Beautiful day and I'm praying for a safe lift off.. We won't here much of the rumble because the shuttle will be moving north from us. But, it always is a joyous sight.
And Pat... galavanting photographer.... I hope you are okay and it's your computer that has crashed.. Have a great time at that baby shower today.. I want a photo posted of it...
Peace and God bless you all..happy quilting what ever you have in your head today.. Hurrah the shuttle is off and racing toward the space station.. Hopefully a great mission for all..
Friday, September 08, 2006

Good morning. We have been having thunderstorms every afternoon and evening. The dogs actually went for a walk in the rain yesterday even.. Long hair dogs come in looking like wet mops. Chloe curls up wrapped in a towel for awhile French Fry and Sophie just shake on you till your as wet as they..
I got Kawnza Quilt to point of borders. may just do a spimple border and press on.. I've been inspired by Flynn and Pat at quitville with many new ideas to try.. And I need to make some more donation quilts..
I've started taking some aspirin at dinner and it seems to help my pain a little..Lets hope it holds for awhile..Since I'm getting the fall cleaning bug. I want to tear rooms apart and throw windows open and let the breeze in.. Can't quite do that here in soggy Florida right now.. But, it will come in November and December.. Though I'd like to have it all neat and clean by then.. We'll see.. At least I don't have to think about moving right now..
Off to quilt..Quilt is the quilt I made for Fox.. enjoy guys....
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Another quilt.. This quilt makes me feel happy and sunny. I'll upload the quilt I made for Michelle and Vance later. It turned out very nice I think.
News about moving to NY... NOT... The housing and commute would be too much.. Plus even though they have been after Geoff for 6 weeks saying the money is no problem... In the end it was.. Plus the thought of losing his 5 weeks of vacation. So the dream was nice. But the reality most likely wouldn't have worked very well..
Moving may not have worked because Geoff was having a heart attack everytime..I'd say.. WE need to get rid of that..Oh, we won't bother moving that.. Need to clean out that. So I hope you are laughing here.. But, I will still keep sneaking stuff out of the house...Hee.. Hee..
It keeps raining here. Which in one sense is great.. We are still something like 10 inches behind for yearly average.. But, My back yard is still under water and the mosquitoes are terrible. I spray ever time I walk out the door with the dogs. The county has sent a fogger truck down the street which seems to have kill the bigger ones but not these little black ones. We have many different varities down ones, brown ones, little ones, gray ones, stripped ones and on and on..
We haven't seen any armadillos lately. And haven't seen the two momma does and their babies in a week or so..It is hard on them when the swamp gets so filled with water.. So my butterfly plants are coming back. Funny that the deer never touch the ginger plants.. Must be too spicy for them.
You all have a good day...I'm just this southern gal who really wouldn't know how to live up north any more.. Figure I've live south longer than I ever lived north. And I had no choice in the matter of where I was born..Just where I live now..
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Sunday morning. We are visiting Jason and Michelle for breakfast. They are letting me use their computer with a broadband line. Boy, is this fast..
We are seriously considering moving to NY.. It is scary and exciting in the same moment.. Not sure right now which way it will go.. So I'm trying not to scream to loudly... How will this work out.. But, God has a plan not me..
We are seriously considering moving to NY.. It is scary and exciting in the same moment.. Not sure right now which way it will go.. So I'm trying not to scream to loudly... How will this work out.. But, God has a plan not me..