Sunday, September 24, 2006

The pictures should be Sophie running.. My newest pink baby quilt and a picture of my orchids hanging in the carrot wood tree..
Been lazy days.. My rt foot is hurting so badly that I'm give'n in to going to the doctors.. Aleve helps a little but I guess I should know what I'm dealing with here.. It's making walking the dogs a big pain in the foot..
It's still summer here.. or a very warm fall.. ?The pond in the backyard is dried up and the dogs are chasing little tree frogs that have appeared my the thousands..
Quilt group today.. I'm kind of quilt burned out today.. So we'll see what everyone else is up to.. Oh, my sister Tami...loved the Kawnza Quilt.. No one else that I've ever given a quilt to has gone so over the moon and it was such a simple pattern so I could get it done for her well before December.. Love you Tami..
You all have a good day.. I'm off to try and get the binding on pink baby so I have something to do at club today..
Finn.. I love your quilts and Pat your pics are wonderful... I have to learn how to do links..
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I love your quilt and I've never heard of a carrot wood tree before. Sounds interesting. I pray that your foot stops hurting so you can walk those babies without pain. As for the link, I think all I did was type it in and Blogger highlighted it and lets you go there when you click on it.
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