Friday, September 29, 2006

Good morning.. I had ever intention of blogging earlier this week.. But, I got engrossed with finishing this little welcome quilt wall hang'n thing we started at quilt club. many thanks to Phyllis who cut out the patterns and had everything ready to go. It's done... It's done.. Now binding on that silly fannel quilt that the Booker cat has claimed and I can start something new.. Think'n or doing a sampler quilt again.. I guess, I just like making different blocks and putting them together and see'n what I get..
Photos are one of Sophie's favorite frog.. She has caught her once... Got slimed .. vomited and was sick for a day.. But, it doesn't stop Sophie.. She just sniffs this frog out and chases her.. the other is the little Welcome pumpkin from quilt club. Didn't realize that I had too much light .. Will try another shot later. We all used our own fabric to finish the block.. So it will be interesting to see at the next meeting what everyone did. We also get to start out round robin for the winter and reveal out fall challenge pieces...
Thanks Finn for the piece on quilting with pearl cotton.. I'm on the hunt for the real stuff.. I used crochet thread on the pumpkin piece as an experiment.. Really big sloppy stitches.. But, fun to feel so free...
My doctor increased my BP med doubling the dose.. Trying to see how this goes..It seems when I take Aleve for those aches of arthritis and plantarfacitis.. it blocks alot of my blood pressure med.. That where the headaches have been coming from.. I think I lost 5 pounds of fluid yesterday.. Wow! That's one way to loss weight.
You all have a good day..I'll keep looking for frogs and turtles..
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Hi Susan, what a great way to lose 5 pounds! But it does run you ragged..LOL
So glad you tried the quilting with the crochet thread. It is harder to pull through the fabric I think, but I have a friend who uses nothing else but crochet thread.
You could try embroidery floss also, probably 3 strands(thats half the width of it).
If your stitches seem to big to you, try for a shorter needle,but still with a big eye. A tapesty needle or one used for crewel embroidery works well. The longer the needle the harder it is to get a short stitch. Have fun with it!! Hugs, Finn
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So glad you tried the quilting with the crochet thread. It is harder to pull through the fabric I think, but I have a friend who uses nothing else but crochet thread.
You could try embroidery floss also, probably 3 strands(thats half the width of it).
If your stitches seem to big to you, try for a shorter needle,but still with a big eye. A tapesty needle or one used for crewel embroidery works well. The longer the needle the harder it is to get a short stitch. Have fun with it!! Hugs, Finn
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