Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Another quilt.. This quilt makes me feel happy and sunny. I'll upload the quilt I made for Michelle and Vance later. It turned out very nice I think.
News about moving to NY... NOT... The housing and commute would be too much.. Plus even though they have been after Geoff for 6 weeks saying the money is no problem... In the end it was.. Plus the thought of losing his 5 weeks of vacation. So the dream was nice. But the reality most likely wouldn't have worked very well..
Moving may not have worked because Geoff was having a heart attack everytime..I'd say.. WE need to get rid of that..Oh, we won't bother moving that.. Need to clean out that. So I hope you are laughing here.. But, I will still keep sneaking stuff out of the house...Hee.. Hee..
It keeps raining here. Which in one sense is great.. We are still something like 10 inches behind for yearly average.. But, My back yard is still under water and the mosquitoes are terrible. I spray ever time I walk out the door with the dogs. The county has sent a fogger truck down the street which seems to have kill the bigger ones but not these little black ones. We have many different varities down ones, brown ones, little ones, gray ones, stripped ones and on and on..
We haven't seen any armadillos lately. And haven't seen the two momma does and their babies in a week or so..It is hard on them when the swamp gets so filled with water.. So my butterfly plants are coming back. Funny that the deer never touch the ginger plants.. Must be too spicy for them.
You all have a good day...I'm just this southern gal who really wouldn't know how to live up north any more.. Figure I've live south longer than I ever lived north. And I had no choice in the matter of where I was born..Just where I live now..