Friday, September 08, 2006

Good morning. We have been having thunderstorms every afternoon and evening. The dogs actually went for a walk in the rain yesterday even.. Long hair dogs come in looking like wet mops. Chloe curls up wrapped in a towel for awhile French Fry and Sophie just shake on you till your as wet as they..
I got Kawnza Quilt to point of borders. may just do a spimple border and press on.. I've been inspired by Flynn and Pat at quitville with many new ideas to try.. And I need to make some more donation quilts..
I've started taking some aspirin at dinner and it seems to help my pain a little..Lets hope it holds for awhile..Since I'm getting the fall cleaning bug. I want to tear rooms apart and throw windows open and let the breeze in.. Can't quite do that here in soggy Florida right now.. But, it will come in November and December.. Though I'd like to have it all neat and clean by then.. We'll see.. At least I don't have to think about moving right now..
Off to quilt..Quilt is the quilt I made for Fox.. enjoy guys....
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You know I think that fall housecleaning bug bites all of us..LOL
I've even been cleaning and straightening up in the agrage. I must be sick!! Hugs, Finn
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I've even been cleaning and straightening up in the agrage. I must be sick!! Hugs, Finn
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