Monday, September 11, 2006

Good morning!
These pics are the shuttle racing away from Brevard County... The little dot is the shuttle about 30 seconds after lift off. 15 miles or so south of the the launch pad. So now I wait for the its return and the shake of my house.. Did not feel the earthquake off of Florida.
I will start pinning the three layers of kawnza quilt together and dreaming of a new project. I'm thinking of taking 4 streak of sunshine and making another large quilt. Plus, I really really need to do about 4 more donation quilts..
All the dogs got baths on Saturday. . Sophie (the Katrina rescue) turns into this shining ball of white hair.. She is so proud of herself.. Chloe curls up into a little ball in a towel and then shakes and shakes.. Prances after.. And the old guy French Fry tolerates this bath.. Guys aren't supposed to smell this sweet.. What is she think'n. He goes out and rolls in the grass.. which is swamp right now.. I'll fix her for doing this to me.. too funny.. I should have had a camera by my side for this one..
Not much else new around here. Migraine had me down for a couple of hours on Sunday. But, I did make a wonderful pot of sauce with sweet italian sausage. My mom would be proud. She has almost forgotten how to cook.. She makes salads and eats frozen dinners.. at what 83 she is amazing. Still looking for a cure for fibromyalgia.. She is going to have nerve blocks done on Tuesday.. I hope this gives her some relief.. She is still dyeing her hair red.. And here I am gray or is it turning white now.. I just don't have time for all this dye stuff or make up for that.. Never got that right..
Off to walk the dogs, get some breakfast, wash the kitchen floor, go to the produce store and dream up something that will look like a wonderful supper for Geoff. He's off working saving the world from power outages..
Got flynn's quilt frame together so now I've got to get a quilt in it and going.. my fingers are itching..