Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Another day without photo's .. I've wasted an hour trying to get three photo's uploaded totally lossing my mind to what thoughts I'd intended to ramble on about.
Was invited over to my friend's house today for tea. She is doing lessons in English to teach this Ukranian woman our language. This is always lots of laughs.. Today we learned a Russian word for a male part.. To funny..English world Russian meaning and Lobelia and I are laughing and Charlene is turning red and saying oh no...no.. It must be so hard to be in another country and not know the language only having your daughter to talk to.. I'd drive my daughter crazy.. Lobelia wants to communicate so badly. She says my name " Sharrroon... you learn Russian." Hee.. Hee.. I can hardly make English work for me and I was born here. Can you imagine my Russian.. But, I'll give it a little try..
My both quilts were picked up from the Quilt Place today.. The butterfly quilt is disappointing.. But the Red, White and Blue is Kooll.. I will try one more time to post one of them at least.
I'm tired of cooking and coming up with ideas for supper... I want to cook but not do the clean up... Anyway.. I'll deal with supper later.. Got some boring chicken breasts...Geoff wants Italian.. so maybe some Chicken piarde with some kind of pasta.. and salad always easy.. I love to pound those chicken breasts flat.. they cook in 10 minutes.. If only my grill out side was working...
Moaning here...
Was invited over to my friend's house today for tea. She is doing lessons in English to teach this Ukranian woman our language. This is always lots of laughs.. Today we learned a Russian word for a male part.. To funny..English world Russian meaning and Lobelia and I are laughing and Charlene is turning red and saying oh no...no.. It must be so hard to be in another country and not know the language only having your daughter to talk to.. I'd drive my daughter crazy.. Lobelia wants to communicate so badly. She says my name " Sharrroon... you learn Russian." Hee.. Hee.. I can hardly make English work for me and I was born here. Can you imagine my Russian.. But, I'll give it a little try..
My both quilts were picked up from the Quilt Place today.. The butterfly quilt is disappointing.. But the Red, White and Blue is Kooll.. I will try one more time to post one of them at least.
I'm tired of cooking and coming up with ideas for supper... I want to cook but not do the clean up... Anyway.. I'll deal with supper later.. Got some boring chicken breasts...Geoff wants Italian.. so maybe some Chicken piarde with some kind of pasta.. and salad always easy.. I love to pound those chicken breasts flat.. they cook in 10 minutes.. If only my grill out side was working...
Moaning here...
Monday, July 24, 2006
No new pictures today.. Yesterday was quilt club.. Quazy Quilters.. But, for me it was a sore fibromalgia day.. So I didn't take anything to work on. Phyllis and Brook worked on bindings.. My fingers were itching..
Today I've managed to take three dogs to the vets to have their nails done. It is about 10 miles away.. The dogs travel so well. Until they figured out it was for nail trims. They hate this.. All I have to do at home is pick up the clipper and they are hidding.. You would think they had be through a terrible ordeal.. All 3 are sleeping in corners.. Chloe's were drummeled to about 3/8 of an inch.. They gotten to almost 1 1/4 inches long.. tooo long.. Putting French Fry on diet.. He is up to 25 lbs and way too fat.. and lazy lately. He steals food from everyone bowls if I turn around for one minute..
I'm off to keep sewing batting together and getting those little fannel quilts set to quilt and get on their way.. My challenge quilt needs quilting too..
The group is going to do a round robin for the fall and winter.. Carol already has her center piece done to exchange in October.. Talk about compulsive...
Today I've managed to take three dogs to the vets to have their nails done. It is about 10 miles away.. The dogs travel so well. Until they figured out it was for nail trims. They hate this.. All I have to do at home is pick up the clipper and they are hidding.. You would think they had be through a terrible ordeal.. All 3 are sleeping in corners.. Chloe's were drummeled to about 3/8 of an inch.. They gotten to almost 1 1/4 inches long.. tooo long.. Putting French Fry on diet.. He is up to 25 lbs and way too fat.. and lazy lately. He steals food from everyone bowls if I turn around for one minute..
I'm off to keep sewing batting together and getting those little fannel quilts set to quilt and get on their way.. My challenge quilt needs quilting too..
The group is going to do a round robin for the fall and winter.. Carol already has her center piece done to exchange in October.. Talk about compulsive...
Friday, July 21, 2006

Today I'm sure!
Today I am sure that the first picture is the tulip quilt and the second is the wedding ring laying on my porch table just before I finished the last row..Keo has the quilt and I'm sure is working toward quilting and binding it..It was fun. But, I'm not up for another..
I looked at an alternative way to do wedding ring at the Red Rooster Quilt shop today but decide for $25 dollars I wasn't up for that either.. So I'll stick with squares and triangles for now.. Trying to finish up my three fannel little quilts for neonatal unit.. to add to my pile of quilts for the next trip to Tallahassee..
Had a yuck today.. Went to my favorite new produce and food store called Downtown Produce.. They've been around for ever and now have branched out into the gourmet food or just plan good food.. But, I bought some of their southern style potato salad today along with some ham and pickles Boar's Head .. Got home made wonderful sandwich and started chowing down into the potato salad when I got a mouth full of black Yuck.. Don't know what it was ... Took it back.. They were very nice.. Gave me my money back asked what they could get me.. Just really nice people who own the store.. They will call the company that they get the potato salad from.. So far not upset stomach.. Thank God for small blessings... I'm not a good upset stomach person.. You just never know what your ordinary day will turn up with..
Dogs are very quiet today.. I believe French Fry and Chloe have spent a good part of the day chasing each other.. Sophie just sits there and watches them.. "Like what are you two doing that for.."
Back to sewing ... And collecting pics..
Thursday, July 20, 2006

With any luck!
With any luck there should be a picture of a tiny cat quilt.. A picture of the wedding ring quilt we worked on last night .. it is amazing to see it taking shape with the hands of 5 women. And a picture of the tulip quilt I made from the April/ May Fons and Porter. That magazine is so inspiring for me. Along with all the other quilt bloggers that I read.
I'm doing fine home alone with three dogs and two cats.. but, I'm a pro.. my husband has worked out of town since we first met in the Air Force over 32 years ago..
Where has the time gone. Yes, it has gone to raising three children.. jobs , hobbies, trips, family. One day at a time..
Hopefully this will post alright.. Have a happy quilting day..
Monday, July 17, 2006

More Random pics!
I keep hoping one of these pics will be the little tulip quilt wall hanging I made.
Quiet day. I'm hand sewing the binding on Road to mandeville. almost 70% done.. I'll finish it today and start on the red white and blue scrap quilt binding. I even refused to go shopping and out to lunch with my friend in leu of sewing..
The shuttle land was wonderful. The sonic booms shook the log cabin and my monitor on my computer even shook. Too Kool.. Great to have them back safely. You'd think living here for over 30 years I'd loss some of this entheusiam but no.. I love this stuff.
A few of my favorite things.. Pine forests that are cultivated with there geometic straight lines and the forest floors covered with pine needles.. The piney smell the wonder of the line coming through in shafts of light and the wonder of the small volunteer plants poking their heads up and the occasional misplaced oak or maple who will not give up the the tall pine shadows. Chocolate in any shade or shape. Sunsets and sunrise. Sleeping dogs and cats. The magic when triangles pieces come together in perfect point.. Oh, the cosmic smile on that happening. Good strong Black tea..hot..cold or inbetween. The smell of lavender and sandalwood. The joy of a long hot shower.
I'm back to quilting.. Have collected yellows, reds and greens for my sister's quilt. I'd like to see her face when she gets this little quilt..
Sunday, July 16, 2006

I'm amazed
I am always amazed as to which pics get posted.. I need to figure out how to put my pics in different folders ... or maybe it's that I need to walk away from quilting for a while to straighten out and re organize my life.
That little dog winds up in the silliest places.. including in the pics I post. She has to climb to the top of the sofa.. on top of tables and under things like beds and chairs.. I am always afraid of stepping on her..
Hubby is off to work in Newark Delaware today.. The boys always keep in touch to make sure I'm okay..So I will quilt this week like a mad woman. We are working on the wedding ring quilt at my house this week. So I will at least vacuum the living room and sweep up the kitchen.. Thank goodness for Healthy Choice frozen dinners.. I'm soo lazy..
Off to the airport..
Saturday, July 15, 2006

So it's Saturday
I'm not sure as usual about which pics I've up loaded. Nothing new there. I had wanted to say something about Sophie the dog. In fact, I had written a whole story about her but blogger ate it up.. Just Like the dogs getting into the loaf of bread. Boy, I wish I had a video of that.. It must have been funny sight.
Anyway... Sophie is one of the dogs that survived Katrina and Rita. I personally don't know how. When I got her on Sept 28th, she had had two baths and was still covered with black sticky stuff in her fur and on her feet. Her eyes were infected and mucus covered. She had not eye brows.. hardly any hair and weighted only 14 lbs. She has sinced gained up to 23 lbs.. After one month of struggling to get her to eat which she managed to gain 2 lbs.. hardly enough.. I decided to have her teeth cleaned. I had tried to clean them at home with little luck.. They were covered with black gunky stuff. While they had her out Dr. Kehoe (bless her sole.. She has been so good to me with this rescue.) managed to feel her abdomin and find a mass. Did surgery and found cancer in her cecum.. She has survived since surgery and gaining weight. Then she grew a tumor on her rt. shoulder.. Thinking it was maligant off to surgery again..Luckily this time not.. Oh, on her dental they removed her rt large molar which was cracked to three pieces.. and her front teeth are worn down to little stumps. But she does manage to eat pretty well. It is amazing to see her with all this hair.. We had first thought she was a pomeranian. But, now that she is looking so much better sure she is an American Eskimo.. Who knew.. She is such a sweet little girl most of the time... just don't put an armidillo in front of her or try to take her baby dog away, or get too near her when she is sleeping by me... Very protective.. It is funny to see the new little Pom laying right next to her.. It sure is a strange world isn't it..
French Fry has been really off himself with Nicki here. It seems Nicki and Chloe gang up on him and chase him and jump on him.. He is acting like an old grumple old man who wants to be left alone.. He's been sleeping in the bed room by himself and only eating at night when we put his food in the master bedroom bath.. and no other dog can bother him there..
I have managed to try some free motion machine quilting on the red white and blue left over baby size quilt I started 4 years ago...or maybe 5 years ago.. It was not easy for me.. I was doing a wave pattern around on the border. So very small stitches and some very big stitches and some stitches not exactly on the line.. But I sewed the binding on today and just have to do the finish hand stuff. So I should sit and sew right..
I'm dreaming of a project for my sister who requested the red, green and gold quilt for kwanza... I know she said 9 X 12 and she was thinking inches.. I'm thinking a table runner or a lap size quilt to cozy up under.. I will surprise her and myself..
The sun is going down here and it is a wonderful blue gray with dashes of that wonderful orange that turns to pinks and purples.. I love sunsets.. sunrise isn't bad , but not dramatic around here.. Or maybe I'm just looking at the wonderful yellow creamy glow that come up out of the pines and swamp that is to the east of my house..
I am upset by what is going on in the Middle East, but can understand it all. It seems like that land has been fought over for centuries. Are we ment to have a peaceful world.. Has there always been termoil.. Can't we as the human species find ways to live in peace and harmony. I may just be neive. and most likely not smart enough to get the whole picture.
Thursday, July 13, 2006

Another try!
Yesterday.. Was slightly crazy.. French Fry is protesting and not eating.. But, slept in bedroom by himself last night and ate his supper during the night. I think he is having problems with too many dogs and he is not number 1 right now..
I went to the wedding ring quilt group last night. We have all the rows sewn together and we are off to putting the rows together next week. So our project keeps growing. We will get it done by September.
But, while I was gone.. Geoff went outside to work on his project of rebuilding the lawn Boy lawn mower which has seen better days. He said the dogs were barking , but he figured it was because he was out side.. No they were tearing apart a bag of Italian Bread.. I'm sure Chloe the dog/cat had climbed on the table and knocked it to the floor. They had a grand old time playing with it.. What a mess. So if they are sick to their stomach today.. They deserve it.. Geoff salvaged some of the bread for breakfast. That man is so scotch... cheap.. frugal.. If he gets sick I'm not worrying why either...
Got my biopsy report on area of face.. It's a cyct not basal cell as he had first thought by looking at it. Thanks for this..
I will try to post a pic of Sophie and a couple of quilts.. Tried this yesterday and it didn't work.
I still pressing on finishing the binding on Road to mandeville which should be the third posted pic here..
Sandy I'm amazed you did make the 5 hour trip down to see us in 8.. I would have turned around and went home.. We enjoyed seeing you all...
Monday, July 10, 2006

Here's to Pics!
I've tried this 3 times. I'd say I know what pics I posted but I'd be telling you are real story. Dealing with the re beginings of another migraine headache. Had a good one last night with the sparkley lights and not feeling so good on my stomach. Oh, the joys of ageing.My eye doctor says it is my new way to get a migraine. Thanks alot.
Working on the binding on Road to Mandeville. Thought it would be done while watching the world cup ... But a queen is certainly bigger than doing a baby size quilt. So I press on.. I tried 505 adhesive this morning and got a scrappy red white and blue quilt ready to machine quilt.. I only started this quilt 2 years ago. Trying to catch up on all these projects ... Slowly.
Went over to my friend Charlene's house. She is teaching a lady from Ukraine English. So I went over to be part of the lesson.. Neighbor ...Friend. It was really funny to see the three of us trying to communicate. Half Russian... English. and French and German.. Hee .. Hee... She is so entheusastic about learning ... She is a grandmother..living with her daughter and son in law. I guess, he feels she isn't learning fast enought. But at 62 this must be hard. it would be almost impossible for me.. I can hardly get by in English.. This lady has a very sweet spirit about her. You can tell that she would love to just talk and talkk.. Must be so frustrating...
Anyway interesting day..
4 dogs are doing great together ....
Sunday, July 09, 2006
It has been soccer crazy for my husband this past month or so.. finally will be over today. We've watched as many as 9 cames in one weekend.. Way too much soccer for me.
I've been trying to get my photo in my profile.. But need to upload it first. Not having much luck doing that. Photo's on my old computer and need to copy it to my picutre file, but it's not working. Don't know that I have time for all this..
I finished the cheater quilt of roads for Ranen. At least it is another little project out of the way. Today I hope to get the binding on Mandeville and have a post of it not quite finished to add to this site.. whenever.
I've got Nickie (friend's dog ) staying with us for 8 days. It has been a quiet night. We have been walking Nickie and French Fry together and Sophie and Chloe. The fast guys go together and the slower girls meander along. Well, I'm off to see what's going on. It is way too quiet downstairs..
I've been trying to get my photo in my profile.. But need to upload it first. Not having much luck doing that. Photo's on my old computer and need to copy it to my picutre file, but it's not working. Don't know that I have time for all this..
I finished the cheater quilt of roads for Ranen. At least it is another little project out of the way. Today I hope to get the binding on Mandeville and have a post of it not quite finished to add to this site.. whenever.
I've got Nickie (friend's dog ) staying with us for 8 days. It has been a quiet night. We have been walking Nickie and French Fry together and Sophie and Chloe. The fast guys go together and the slower girls meander along. Well, I'm off to see what's going on. It is way too quiet downstairs..
Saturday, July 08, 2006

Okay, this is me for my friend Margot.. We have keep in touch for 30 plus years since nursing school.. I forgot to rotate the pic. But, you get the idea.
I promise today I will take time to take pics of quilts.
yesterday went out to lunch with Keo and Charlene for Keo's birthday. it was too funny .. The poor waitress at Red Lobster just gave us time before ordering because we were talking away about quilting.. What do you think of this pattern. How do you think we should do this. We should do another group quilt when we complete the double wedding ring.. We finally managed to order.. 2 hours later we reluctantly gave Red Lobster back their table. Too funny...
I'm off to work on the Road to mandeville and a cheater quilt of cars for my Ranen (grandson).. Post more later..
Thursday, July 06, 2006
What a surprise!!!!
My daughter came down to visit bringing her 4 yo daughter and 4 1/2 soon 5 month old son. She drove the 334 miles with two kids.. What a brave lady she is. We have has a wonderful 4 or 5 days. It all went by much too quickly. But, oh, such a joy even Adah's lists of No's.. She is so funny. And little guy had me in stitches as he giggled when you made faces at him or bounced him in the air. Of course, you payed the price of his reflux with the wonders of everything coming out of his stomach on you.. Oh, such joys..
No quilting .. Lots of ideas.. Will get set up again. daughter gave us a few hours notice that she was coming.. I changed sheets and hid most of my sewing stuff in piles around and under furniture. Too funny.
Shuttle launch was great.. Will get a pic posted soon and some quilts..
My daughter came down to visit bringing her 4 yo daughter and 4 1/2 soon 5 month old son. She drove the 334 miles with two kids.. What a brave lady she is. We have has a wonderful 4 or 5 days. It all went by much too quickly. But, oh, such a joy even Adah's lists of No's.. She is so funny. And little guy had me in stitches as he giggled when you made faces at him or bounced him in the air. Of course, you payed the price of his reflux with the wonders of everything coming out of his stomach on you.. Oh, such joys..
No quilting .. Lots of ideas.. Will get set up again. daughter gave us a few hours notice that she was coming.. I changed sheets and hid most of my sewing stuff in piles around and under furniture. Too funny.
Shuttle launch was great.. Will get a pic posted soon and some quilts..
Sunday, July 02, 2006

No Shuttle Launch! Thunderstorms right now. Not sure it will go today..
Exciting morning.. Our Son Tim came by to say hello on his way to work at KSC. Good to see him.. I've got the binding sewn on the cardinal quilt.. Now I have to start taking some new photos of quilts.
The dogs had an exciting morning. On top of going for a long walk when they got back Chloe spotted a squirrel in the back yard. Out the three of them went. Not just a squirrel... The found two armadillos and chased them all over our fenced in yard. Who knew a 5 pound dog could be such a hunter and lead the other two into a pack of hunters.. She is something else for sure...
Saturday, July 01, 2006

Good Morning July 1, 2006
I'm sitting here wondering where to start ... I got my purple quilt called Road to Mandaville back from the Quilting Place. Wow!. Can't wait to get a good pic of it. The feather quilting makes the quilt. I left Theresa with two more.. my butterfly quilt which has the neck scarves from my former Cockerspanial Sgt. Grey.. Theresa also has the Red White and Blue quilt from those donated fabrics. It turned out to be 78 inches square. It with have stars quilted all over.. I'm excited.
But reflective. I sit here with Nasa Select Station on TV listen to every move an eyes semi glues to the shuttle. I have only missed seeing about three shuttle launches since the start of the shuttle program. It is awe inspiring and humbling, too. More anxious than in the past. These men and women climb into this big candle in the sky to further science and prove it can be done. How brave of them to have such fearless dedication .. Or maybe even with fear they know they are explorers of our time.
I've also spent the days since Tuesday following the flooding in Upstate NY and Pennsylvania... My aunt Tess passed on Tuesday afternoon. She had a good life. Was a good woman and tried to do her best for her son Robert and his family. She was always up for a party. I hope the brothers (2) and (2) sisters that are making it to her memorial service today.. Celebrate her with a party .. I'm sure they will.. they are Italians.. My mom couldn't make it .. We had talked and decide it was too much for her and most likely me . We both have fibromyalgia. Mom's much worse than I but we have traveled to Scranton before together and it was hard on both.. So to Aunt Tess... My two sister's were going to try and get there depending on the roads. Janis venturing down from Binghamton and Tami from Poughkeepsie.. Have a safe trip.. Toast a glass for us to Aunt Tess.
As to watching the flooding.. It brings back memories of other floods up there. I grew up there.. Seen the rivers over flow there banks changing the landscape. Our family always help friend evacuate there belongings from their home up to sit along Rt 97 and in this little garage with a little apartment over it. The water would lap at the foundation, but they survived. My brother still lives there. Talked to him and he had been out for three days helping. He is a volunteer Fireman...Has been doing this since he was 17 or 18.. Has been chief a couple of times. But, now as he gets older we all have to turn it over to the young guys.. It makes me want to go home and see everyone and see if I could help even with fibromyalgia..
But most likely not in this life time..
Chloe is on my lap.. She had a very bad day yesterday. She got herself wet in the dew in the morning and ran into the kitty litter again. What a mess with clumping litter.. She got another bath..Sophie just layed around under tables. French Fry had a quiet day.
So Geoff is on vacation and I'm off to assist in the repair of our lawn mower. I sit on it and wiggle levers and turn wheels. I do not like getting greasey.