Saturday, July 15, 2006

So it's Saturday
I'm not sure as usual about which pics I've up loaded. Nothing new there. I had wanted to say something about Sophie the dog. In fact, I had written a whole story about her but blogger ate it up.. Just Like the dogs getting into the loaf of bread. Boy, I wish I had a video of that.. It must have been funny sight.
Anyway... Sophie is one of the dogs that survived Katrina and Rita. I personally don't know how. When I got her on Sept 28th, she had had two baths and was still covered with black sticky stuff in her fur and on her feet. Her eyes were infected and mucus covered. She had not eye brows.. hardly any hair and weighted only 14 lbs. She has sinced gained up to 23 lbs.. After one month of struggling to get her to eat which she managed to gain 2 lbs.. hardly enough.. I decided to have her teeth cleaned. I had tried to clean them at home with little luck.. They were covered with black gunky stuff. While they had her out Dr. Kehoe (bless her sole.. She has been so good to me with this rescue.) managed to feel her abdomin and find a mass. Did surgery and found cancer in her cecum.. She has survived since surgery and gaining weight. Then she grew a tumor on her rt. shoulder.. Thinking it was maligant off to surgery again..Luckily this time not.. Oh, on her dental they removed her rt large molar which was cracked to three pieces.. and her front teeth are worn down to little stumps. But she does manage to eat pretty well. It is amazing to see her with all this hair.. We had first thought she was a pomeranian. But, now that she is looking so much better sure she is an American Eskimo.. Who knew.. She is such a sweet little girl most of the time... just don't put an armidillo in front of her or try to take her baby dog away, or get too near her when she is sleeping by me... Very protective.. It is funny to see the new little Pom laying right next to her.. It sure is a strange world isn't it..
French Fry has been really off himself with Nicki here. It seems Nicki and Chloe gang up on him and chase him and jump on him.. He is acting like an old grumple old man who wants to be left alone.. He's been sleeping in the bed room by himself and only eating at night when we put his food in the master bedroom bath.. and no other dog can bother him there..
I have managed to try some free motion machine quilting on the red white and blue left over baby size quilt I started 4 years ago...or maybe 5 years ago.. It was not easy for me.. I was doing a wave pattern around on the border. So very small stitches and some very big stitches and some stitches not exactly on the line.. But I sewed the binding on today and just have to do the finish hand stuff. So I should sit and sew right..
I'm dreaming of a project for my sister who requested the red, green and gold quilt for kwanza... I know she said 9 X 12 and she was thinking inches.. I'm thinking a table runner or a lap size quilt to cozy up under.. I will surprise her and myself..
The sun is going down here and it is a wonderful blue gray with dashes of that wonderful orange that turns to pinks and purples.. I love sunsets.. sunrise isn't bad , but not dramatic around here.. Or maybe I'm just looking at the wonderful yellow creamy glow that come up out of the pines and swamp that is to the east of my house..
I am upset by what is going on in the Middle East, but can understand it all. It seems like that land has been fought over for centuries. Are we ment to have a peaceful world.. Has there always been termoil.. Can't we as the human species find ways to live in peace and harmony. I may just be neive. and most likely not smart enough to get the whole picture.