Monday, July 10, 2006

Here's to Pics!
I've tried this 3 times. I'd say I know what pics I posted but I'd be telling you are real story. Dealing with the re beginings of another migraine headache. Had a good one last night with the sparkley lights and not feeling so good on my stomach. Oh, the joys of ageing.My eye doctor says it is my new way to get a migraine. Thanks alot.
Working on the binding on Road to Mandeville. Thought it would be done while watching the world cup ... But a queen is certainly bigger than doing a baby size quilt. So I press on.. I tried 505 adhesive this morning and got a scrappy red white and blue quilt ready to machine quilt.. I only started this quilt 2 years ago. Trying to catch up on all these projects ... Slowly.
Went over to my friend Charlene's house. She is teaching a lady from Ukraine English. So I went over to be part of the lesson.. Neighbor ...Friend. It was really funny to see the three of us trying to communicate. Half Russian... English. and French and German.. Hee .. Hee... She is so entheusastic about learning ... She is a with her daughter and son in law. I guess, he feels she isn't learning fast enought. But at 62 this must be hard. it would be almost impossible for me.. I can hardly get by in English.. This lady has a very sweet spirit about her. You can tell that she would love to just talk and talkk.. Must be so frustrating...
Anyway interesting day..
4 dogs are doing great together ....
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Sharon, thanks for your concern about my leg. I did go to the Dr. and she said I was taking care of it like I should. I had 2nd & 3rd degree burns. It it totally healed now. You asked about VEMMA? It is an awesome mangosteen/vitamin/mineral supplement. It has really helped me with the acid reflux and I'm now sleeping at night. Before, I would only get 4-6 hours sleep cause the acid would wake me up. My father-in-law is feeling better, too. Check out my site at: . Just fill in the info (I'm the only one that sees it) and it will tell you all about VEMMA - the product and the business.
By the way, I love your quilts. My grandmother was a quilter. She just passed away at the age of 92. I have had two of her quilts for about 20 years now. One of them has scraps from some of my old clothes. I wouldn't take anything for them. Just wish I had taken the time to learn from her. Take care. Hope to talk to you again sometime. I love Sandy and the kids.
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By the way, I love your quilts. My grandmother was a quilter. She just passed away at the age of 92. I have had two of her quilts for about 20 years now. One of them has scraps from some of my old clothes. I wouldn't take anything for them. Just wish I had taken the time to learn from her. Take care. Hope to talk to you again sometime. I love Sandy and the kids.
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