Saturday, July 08, 2006

Okay, this is me for my friend Margot.. We have keep in touch for 30 plus years since nursing school.. I forgot to rotate the pic. But, you get the idea.
I promise today I will take time to take pics of quilts.
yesterday went out to lunch with Keo and Charlene for Keo's birthday. it was too funny .. The poor waitress at Red Lobster just gave us time before ordering because we were talking away about quilting.. What do you think of this pattern. How do you think we should do this. We should do another group quilt when we complete the double wedding ring.. We finally managed to order.. 2 hours later we reluctantly gave Red Lobster back their table. Too funny...
I'm off to work on the Road to mandeville and a cheater quilt of cars for my Ranen (grandson).. Post more later..