Friday, July 21, 2006

Today I'm sure!
Today I am sure that the first picture is the tulip quilt and the second is the wedding ring laying on my porch table just before I finished the last row..Keo has the quilt and I'm sure is working toward quilting and binding it..It was fun. But, I'm not up for another..
I looked at an alternative way to do wedding ring at the Red Rooster Quilt shop today but decide for $25 dollars I wasn't up for that either.. So I'll stick with squares and triangles for now.. Trying to finish up my three fannel little quilts for neonatal unit.. to add to my pile of quilts for the next trip to Tallahassee..
Had a yuck today.. Went to my favorite new produce and food store called Downtown Produce.. They've been around for ever and now have branched out into the gourmet food or just plan good food.. But, I bought some of their southern style potato salad today along with some ham and pickles Boar's Head .. Got home made wonderful sandwich and started chowing down into the potato salad when I got a mouth full of black Yuck.. Don't know what it was ... Took it back.. They were very nice.. Gave me my money back asked what they could get me.. Just really nice people who own the store.. They will call the company that they get the potato salad from.. So far not upset stomach.. Thank God for small blessings... I'm not a good upset stomach person.. You just never know what your ordinary day will turn up with..
Dogs are very quiet today.. I believe French Fry and Chloe have spent a good part of the day chasing each other.. Sophie just sits there and watches them.. "Like what are you two doing that for.."
Back to sewing ... And collecting pics..
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Sharon, I really like the pics of your quilts. You are a very talented lady. Glad you didn't get sick eating that potato salad.
I'm also impressed with all the dogs. You must have a fun house with all those personalities. God bless you for rescuing them.
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I'm also impressed with all the dogs. You must have a fun house with all those personalities. God bless you for rescuing them.
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