Sunday, July 16, 2006

I'm amazed
I am always amazed as to which pics get posted.. I need to figure out how to put my pics in different folders ... or maybe it's that I need to walk away from quilting for a while to straighten out and re organize my life.
That little dog winds up in the silliest places.. including in the pics I post. She has to climb to the top of the sofa.. on top of tables and under things like beds and chairs.. I am always afraid of stepping on her..
Hubby is off to work in Newark Delaware today.. The boys always keep in touch to make sure I'm okay..So I will quilt this week like a mad woman. We are working on the wedding ring quilt at my house this week. So I will at least vacuum the living room and sweep up the kitchen.. Thank goodness for Healthy Choice frozen dinners.. I'm soo lazy..
Off to the airport..