Monday, July 17, 2006

More Random pics!
I keep hoping one of these pics will be the little tulip quilt wall hanging I made.
Quiet day. I'm hand sewing the binding on Road to mandeville. almost 70% done.. I'll finish it today and start on the red white and blue scrap quilt binding. I even refused to go shopping and out to lunch with my friend in leu of sewing..
The shuttle land was wonderful. The sonic booms shook the log cabin and my monitor on my computer even shook. Too Kool.. Great to have them back safely. You'd think living here for over 30 years I'd loss some of this entheusiam but no.. I love this stuff.
A few of my favorite things.. Pine forests that are cultivated with there geometic straight lines and the forest floors covered with pine needles.. The piney smell the wonder of the line coming through in shafts of light and the wonder of the small volunteer plants poking their heads up and the occasional misplaced oak or maple who will not give up the the tall pine shadows. Chocolate in any shade or shape. Sunsets and sunrise. Sleeping dogs and cats. The magic when triangles pieces come together in perfect point.. Oh, the cosmic smile on that happening. Good strong Black or inbetween. The smell of lavender and sandalwood. The joy of a long hot shower.
I'm back to quilting.. Have collected yellows, reds and greens for my sister's quilt. I'd like to see her face when she gets this little quilt..