Saturday, November 25, 2006
Oops the group moved quilt club to Dec 3... I guess everyone else is busy shopping. Me, I'm staying away from the craziness of the mall. But I did put up my wreath quilt that I made several years ago.. Will take a picture of it. I've made about 5 Christmas quits. Not sure if they will all make it up this year.. Since Hubby is planning on sanding and staining all the window frames.. Yuck.. why start these things in December when he sat around the house on his weeks vacation in September reading the news paper.. His favorite pass time.
I need a new project. But told myself I would not start another quilt until I got my sewing area cleaned up.. Is that possible.. I'll give it a try today.. and let you all know later today... Does Tofu and broccoli sound health today after all that turkey and ham.. Fasting sounds good too, but hubby would waste away .. He losses weight at the flick of an eye.. So lucky.. doesn't crave chocolate or cookies..
I need a new project. But told myself I would not start another quilt until I got my sewing area cleaned up.. Is that possible.. I'll give it a try today.. and let you all know later today... Does Tofu and broccoli sound health today after all that turkey and ham.. Fasting sounds good too, but hubby would waste away .. He losses weight at the flick of an eye.. So lucky.. doesn't crave chocolate or cookies..
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Where has November gone.. Can it really be Thanksgiving Tomorrow.. I have a ham ready to take to the gathering at my son's in laws.. made a chocolate pecan pie and a low calorie jello dessert for me.. Hee.. Hee.. I'm hoping not to over eat and keep it reasonable.
Hurrah for me.. I finished the TATW.... and the star and strip quilt is in the mail to my fireman brother.. Who will truly love it.. So I guess I have gotten some stuff done this month.. quilt club is Sunday... I did sew a border on the block I got last month..
I've got a new disease it's called .. Itchy fingers for hand quilting. I just love the peaceful feeling I get sewing stitch after stitche. So I'll need to come up with another project.
Peace to all and have a good turkey day tomorrow.
Hurrah for me.. I finished the TATW.... and the star and strip quilt is in the mail to my fireman brother.. Who will truly love it.. So I guess I have gotten some stuff done this month.. quilt club is Sunday... I did sew a border on the block I got last month..
I've got a new disease it's called .. Itchy fingers for hand quilting. I just love the peaceful feeling I get sewing stitch after stitche. So I'll need to come up with another project.
Peace to all and have a good turkey day tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Okay, my house, my log cabin, my home looks like a tornado went off in it. It's not totally filty. It's just cluttered to the nenth degree. My quiling started migrating out of the boys bedroom that I took over several years ago as everyone was married and moved on. I wanted more sunlight. So down to the great room I moved one machine and trucked up and down to the ironing board.. ?Then the ironing board moved on down stairs.. Then boxes of stuff and a folding cutting table. And the then the design wall. Yes, you can find some table surface to feed two.. maybe three ... But it's all lost.. The living / great room is lost under stuff. I need to reshuffle this stuff.. I keep saying when I finish this latest quilt.. I'm down to hand quilting three sides of the border and binding.. I can see the end.. Then I started doing these little postcard things.. Oh, these will make cute little things to add to Christmas gift baskets that I do.. Oh, I need serious help. And next week my husband takes a week of vacation to finish painting the window trim on all those windows that were replaced last year as part of our hurricane repairs.. Oh, Lord grant me strength. I need an organizer and someone to help me purge ...also to help my husband purge his ancient collection of his life....
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Migraine from hell yesterday.. And 45 minutes of listen to sister C bitch and moan at me about how much she has done for the past 10 years ... Oh, God give me strength. and Blessing to deal with this crap... I am bowing out of it.. Sister L, T and J can jump in. Mom will do what she wants.. I sorry her brother died on the 8th... Her sister died on July 23rd. So she had every right to be depressed and sad. Today is the 5 year anniversay of her husbands death.. So she can be as sad and lonely as she wants.. I did call and she got out of bed and took her morning meds. So she is moving that is a good thing..
Now I'm off to do some shopping and celebrating Veteran's Day.. Yes, I am a veteran and so is my husband. So was my dad... was on the Quincey when it was sunk on Aug 9th w 1942.. he survived. What a great guy.. I miss him so much.. Miss his hugs and kisses and wisdom and kindness. Great patriot and loved his family. Okay, enough or I'll be crying over my no beer here..
Now I'm off to do some shopping and celebrating Veteran's Day.. Yes, I am a veteran and so is my husband. So was my dad... was on the Quincey when it was sunk on Aug 9th w 1942.. he survived. What a great guy.. I miss him so much.. Miss his hugs and kisses and wisdom and kindness. Great patriot and loved his family. Okay, enough or I'll be crying over my no beer here..
Migraine from hell yesterday.. And 45 minutes of listen to sister C bitch and moan at me about how much she has done for the past 10 years ... Oh, God give me strength. and Blessing to deal with this crap... I am bowing out of it.. Sister L, T and J can jump in. Mom will do what she wants.. I sorry her brother died on the 8th... Her sister died on July 23rd. So she had every right to be depressed and sad. Today is the 5 year anniversay of her husbands death.. So she can be as sad and lonely as she wants.. I did call and she got out of bed and took her morning meds. So she is moving that is a good thing..
Now I'm off to do some shopping and celebrating Veteran's Day.. Yes, I am a veteran and so is my husband. So was my dad... was on the Quincey when it was sunk on Aug 9th w 1942.. he survived. What a great guy.. I miss him so much.. Miss his hugs and kisses and wisdom and kindness. Great patriot and loved his family. Okay, enough or I'll be crying over my no beer here..
Now I'm off to do some shopping and celebrating Veteran's Day.. Yes, I am a veteran and so is my husband. So was my dad... was on the Quincey when it was sunk on Aug 9th w 1942.. he survived. What a great guy.. I miss him so much.. Miss his hugs and kisses and wisdom and kindness. Great patriot and loved his family. Okay, enough or I'll be crying over my no beer here..
Friday, November 10, 2006
Dammed if you do and Dammed if you don't..
I want mom to be in a safe place.. Maybe assisted living would work if she had enough money.. Nursing home just to get her walking better might be an idea.. But, she can't afford that and she considers it an insult to suggest it. My sister C wants her out of her house by January 1.. Really prior to that.. And Mom wants the hilton and not the motel 6... sister j has offer to come down and take her to her home. I've offered my home..or find her a low cost apartment here with assistance from home health aid ... No she canNOT leave the pool she has in West Palm... Oh, I just want to scream.. There is no answer... Yes, mom is depressed her sister died a couple of Months ago. and her brother died two days ago.. It hurts.. I understand that .. But, you can't just lay in bed and say I can't do anything until I get better. Will my sister put her out on the street.. I just don't know.. And sister L isn't answering her phone... All I want is for her Mom to be safe.. Is that too much to ask..
I want mom to be in a safe place.. Maybe assisted living would work if she had enough money.. Nursing home just to get her walking better might be an idea.. But, she can't afford that and she considers it an insult to suggest it. My sister C wants her out of her house by January 1.. Really prior to that.. And Mom wants the hilton and not the motel 6... sister j has offer to come down and take her to her home. I've offered my home..or find her a low cost apartment here with assistance from home health aid ... No she canNOT leave the pool she has in West Palm... Oh, I just want to scream.. There is no answer... Yes, mom is depressed her sister died a couple of Months ago. and her brother died two days ago.. It hurts.. I understand that .. But, you can't just lay in bed and say I can't do anything until I get better. Will my sister put her out on the street.. I just don't know.. And sister L isn't answering her phone... All I want is for her Mom to be safe.. Is that too much to ask..
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Where have I been and where has this past week gone... I've only managed to complete a little over half of the quilting on the sunshine and shadow quilt. booo hooo...
Worries about my mother have ruined my week.. She call Wednesday night.. Oh, your sister C is going out of town and leaving me alone. She is 82 and failing in inches. "Sharon, I can't see. I've got an infection.. Your sister ...(other sister we'll label her L )said to see if you can come and stay." I hem and haw and my husband say.. Oh, I'll be fine with the dogs.. You take one with you and I can manage cats and dogs and still go to work.. no problem.. So Thursday morning I pack and head south to Lake Worth to my sister's house and find my mother in her hospital type bed naked. Have you had breakfast.. No.. It's one oclock in the afternoon. So I make her get up and get something for her to eat.. My sister C leaves her with a great dane and a cat to take care of .. What is C thinking.. Put the animals in a kennel or something.. C's son could come and check on things.. Well, I discover.. I've left my bp meds and thyroid meds at home.. I've got one days worth of pills with me.. Is this a slip or what.. I had planned to stay till Tuesday when C was to be back.. So I figure in two days or so I can help and keep things floating.. I take care of dog as best i can.. It pee's all over my sister's house.. It's 8 years old and is sickeningly thin.. She is such a witch.. C is so self centered.. Oh, I want to scream.. So I get her to doctor's on Friday.. Think I've gotten her meds from phramcy and make sure she has easy food to fix.. I leave friday afternoon.. Call me if you need anything. I'll drive back the 2 hours and over 115 miles. Talk to her Saturday.. My sister L came from her end another 80 or so miles because the dog messed again.. She does the same things I did .. food.. dogs... clean up and calls C's son and says you keep the animals.. That should be a big joke. In the mean time the doctor on friday said he was ordering home health aid and physical therap.. L calls to make sure that's really happening.. Mom complains that C doesn't want anyone other than family in her house... You have to understand C is shallow as anything.. Has this 3000 sq ft West Palm home .. You know the kind.. fancy furniture and tiled floors.. niknaks all over the place.. Full of junk to me... She cares more about her stuff than she does about people in her family.. It's all about her.. How great she looks at 59... skinny.. sexy... looks rich.. but poor as a church mouse in my book.. Okay so I'm venting.. But that's what blogger is for.. .. Oh, I could just scream.. L and I are trying to get mom into accessed living.. I think she needs nursing home care.. I could not figure out her pills.. She is taking vicoden and bp meds and thyroid meds. and supplements by the hand fulls.. I think her pills are killing her.. making her confused... too.
So that's the week I'm having...and feeling guilty that I cannot scoop her up and make it all right.
Worries about my mother have ruined my week.. She call Wednesday night.. Oh, your sister C is going out of town and leaving me alone. She is 82 and failing in inches. "Sharon, I can't see. I've got an infection.. Your sister ...(other sister we'll label her L )said to see if you can come and stay." I hem and haw and my husband say.. Oh, I'll be fine with the dogs.. You take one with you and I can manage cats and dogs and still go to work.. no problem.. So Thursday morning I pack and head south to Lake Worth to my sister's house and find my mother in her hospital type bed naked. Have you had breakfast.. No.. It's one oclock in the afternoon. So I make her get up and get something for her to eat.. My sister C leaves her with a great dane and a cat to take care of .. What is C thinking.. Put the animals in a kennel or something.. C's son could come and check on things.. Well, I discover.. I've left my bp meds and thyroid meds at home.. I've got one days worth of pills with me.. Is this a slip or what.. I had planned to stay till Tuesday when C was to be back.. So I figure in two days or so I can help and keep things floating.. I take care of dog as best i can.. It pee's all over my sister's house.. It's 8 years old and is sickeningly thin.. She is such a witch.. C is so self centered.. Oh, I want to scream.. So I get her to doctor's on Friday.. Think I've gotten her meds from phramcy and make sure she has easy food to fix.. I leave friday afternoon.. Call me if you need anything. I'll drive back the 2 hours and over 115 miles. Talk to her Saturday.. My sister L came from her end another 80 or so miles because the dog messed again.. She does the same things I did .. food.. dogs... clean up and calls C's son and says you keep the animals.. That should be a big joke. In the mean time the doctor on friday said he was ordering home health aid and physical therap.. L calls to make sure that's really happening.. Mom complains that C doesn't want anyone other than family in her house... You have to understand C is shallow as anything.. Has this 3000 sq ft West Palm home .. You know the kind.. fancy furniture and tiled floors.. niknaks all over the place.. Full of junk to me... She cares more about her stuff than she does about people in her family.. It's all about her.. How great she looks at 59... skinny.. sexy... looks rich.. but poor as a church mouse in my book.. Okay so I'm venting.. But that's what blogger is for.. .. Oh, I could just scream.. L and I are trying to get mom into accessed living.. I think she needs nursing home care.. I could not figure out her pills.. She is taking vicoden and bp meds and thyroid meds. and supplements by the hand fulls.. I think her pills are killing her.. making her confused... too.
So that's the week I'm having...and feeling guilty that I cannot scoop her up and make it all right.