Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Where has November gone.. Can it really be Thanksgiving Tomorrow.. I have a ham ready to take to the gathering at my son's in laws.. made a chocolate pecan pie and a low calorie jello dessert for me.. Hee.. Hee.. I'm hoping not to over eat and keep it reasonable.

Hurrah for me.. I finished the TATW.... and the star and strip quilt is in the mail to my fireman brother.. Who will truly love it.. So I guess I have gotten some stuff done this month.. quilt club is Sunday... I did sew a border on the block I got last month..

I've got a new disease it's called .. Itchy fingers for hand quilting. I just love the peaceful feeling I get sewing stitch after stitche. So I'll need to come up with another project.

Peace to all and have a good turkey day tomorrow.

Hi Sharon, so good to see you finished up your TATW quilt and can send it on it's way!!!!

Yes, isn't hand quilting just the best thing for quieting you mind??? I've used it like that for many, many years.
I find that it helps me center myself and my thoughts when too much craziness is happening around me..*VBS* And the utility quilting works every bit as well as the other fine hand quilting. And is lots easier on the eyes!
If you don't have another top ready to quilt, think about getting on pinned or basted so you have it to pick up and work. It really, really helps the problems of family back off for awhile..*VBS* Hugs, Finn
I didn't know anyone else got that itch to do hand work. I usually do some applique. I also like to look at quilt blocks/patterns. I read that carving wood does the same thing. Makes sense. But I'll stay away from the knife, thank you.
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