Thursday, June 29, 2006

Okay, I think I have one quilt 3 times.. But it's better than nothing. Dogs are fed and walked. Cats fed and cleaned up after.
So other than needed to go to Sams Club and pic up some stuff... Which I could manage to do with out for another day... I'm going to quilt today.. What to try 505 on putting a large full size quilt together with batting a backing out side on the porch before it gets too hot or the thunderstorms start this afternoon.
I just keep plugging along on these quilt things..
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Hurrah No Root Canal Needed Today!!!
So this is a good thing. I had an 8 am appointment with this endodondist that I've used since 1982. He did a root canal with my 4 year son Jason sitting in the assistants chair watch and cheer me on .. "Oh, Mom that nerve is so Kool" This endodontist is soo Kool too.. His office is like going into an antigue shoppee. He used to only play NPR for the first twenty years of his practise now he has on Cable with The Daily Buzz. But, I do trust his judgement.. Nice guy to deal with.. But, we are all getting older... Today his mother called while he was seeing me.. He didn't stopped . Said oh, she is 93 and and calls me all day. Most likely wants to tell me she went for her walk on the beach.
Came home to find that Chloe has once again been in the kitty Litter. What the heck is so great about Kitty Litter. It was stuck to her little legs. She had had a bowl of WD dog food as I was leaving for the appointment. The three dogs had had their morning walk... Crazy animals...
Quilting news. I've completed the little Christmas baby quilt for donation. Working on the wall hanging of Cardinals..
The photo should be of Chloe.. I need to get a better labeling system.. But, quilting is my priority..
My younger son is going to borrow the digital camera and see if he can a picture of the Shuttle going off. He works at the Cape... If we get a good shot ... I will post it..
Sunday, June 25, 2006
It's been a hard day.. Dealing with a sinus or migraine headache all day.. Chloe has tried to comfort me by sitting on my head.. Silly dog.. Sophie grabbed a big tree frog at 10 pm last night.. Yuck.. She started spuing foam from her mouth.. Panic.. What to do... Emergency vet office call. Oh, no big deal.. see if she'll swallow something to stop the bad taste in her mouth.. She may vomit.. Do I really need this again.. She did about a hour later. But, luckily she has eat causiously being hand fed soft canned food.. The roof of her mouth has a swollen area.. Gave benadryl..Luck.. it's going down.. I worry too much about this little gift from New Orleans.. French Fry has a new trick too.. Goes half way down the street on his walk and sits in my neighbors drive way and refuses to move until we turn to go back home.. Being a very lazy boy lately.
As for quilt.. I only got two borders sewn on the red white and blue quilt.. Two more and I can sandwich it for quilting... I still have to get the bindings finish on the little red, green and white baby size quilt. But, even small steps keep me moving forward..
Listening to Delahlia... maybe mostlikely misspelled.. She is always positive to listen to with a head ache.. I can't stand the TV right now or the western that my husband is watching. Well, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day..
no photo's yet.. got to get some quilts outside and pics made..
As for quilt.. I only got two borders sewn on the red white and blue quilt.. Two more and I can sandwich it for quilting... I still have to get the bindings finish on the little red, green and white baby size quilt. But, even small steps keep me moving forward..
Listening to Delahlia... maybe mostlikely misspelled.. She is always positive to listen to with a head ache.. I can't stand the TV right now or the western that my husband is watching. Well, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day..
no photo's yet.. got to get some quilts outside and pics made..
Friday, June 23, 2006

I have not idea which pic this is ... Suppose it is one of my cats and a dog... Most likely French Fry... He loves the camera.. The other two are so camera shy..
This is a crazy Friday.. The dermatology office removed the sutures from last weeks biopsy, but didn't come through with the results as they had said.. So what is new. I managed to get two appointments with this specialty dentist for this tooth thing.. Next Wednesday for the talk and follow 14 days from them for the actually upside down root canal.. I am so not thrilled with this..
Dogs are doing so much better. But Sophie tripped going down the stairs to go for morning walk. it is heck getting older ..Poor girl.. I rubbed her leg and she picked herself up and went walking.. She is such a special girl.... Real strong little girl... I just wish I had half of her strength.. Everytime I see pics of Katrina ... I wonder how did she survive.. What is her story.. She had lost 40% of her body weigh. Lost most of her hair and had infections in her feet, eyes and sores on her body. She had black sticky stuff between her teeth and her toes. We did a dental on her and found out she had cracked her big back molar in three pieces and her front lower teeth are totally chipped to almost nothing. But, she eats okay now.. And then she had colon cancer removed one month after she arrive. About 3 months ago we removed another tumor on her right shoulder, but some how not malignant. I'm hoping for a miracle dog..She is being very tolerant of the new little girl, who is young and still loves to play.. Chloe gets on the sofa and wants to jump down ontop of Sophie who is laying next to the couch.. Ocassionally Sophie will grawl at her and Chloe knows she has pushed too far and walks over to French Fry and grabs him under the neck and shakes.. French Fry just sits there saying still little thing. It truly is a zoo. But the good news has been that the cats are so accepting of these dogs and tolerate the occassional game of chase by Chloe. The cats can't quite figure out why this cat/dog (Chloe) gets along so well with those dogs...
What's for supper.. I'm tired of coming up with new ideas and having to exacute them.. I've pinned a little quilt together and will go do some machine quilting on it. Slow quilting day..
Thursday, June 22, 2006

Okay, it has been a crazy day.. Quilted with 4-H. today.. We pinned their projects for quilting ... for 11 year olds they have done a wonderful job..
Dentist appointment did not go so well. Abscess on a tooth with root canal.. Now they have to cap the root threw the jaw Yuck.. I am so upset, but will survive this too.
As for my sister... I've been working on a red and green little quilt.. I'll bind it in yellow and it is yours.. Because you are my crazee sis... hee..heee...
To understand this read comment to yesterday's post..
Dogs are improving. and I need to get pic of the three of them together. The zoo is quiet right now. I think this is French Fry... fox colored pomeranian..
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Simple Life..
Amazing I watch butterflies this morning and this afternoon I'm treated to a beautiful delta rocket launch. It was so crystal clear. The sky such a wonderful blue with this bright star object racing to the eastern sky. The loud rumble didn't come for a couple of minutes. The trail of vapor bellowed in the sky for many minutes with the sun giving it a golden glow. Oh, the simple life of experience these simple things in one day. Is there a quilt with a rocket and butterflies. Who knows another idea.
Amazing I watch butterflies this morning and this afternoon I'm treated to a beautiful delta rocket launch. It was so crystal clear. The sky such a wonderful blue with this bright star object racing to the eastern sky. The loud rumble didn't come for a couple of minutes. The trail of vapor bellowed in the sky for many minutes with the sun giving it a golden glow. Oh, the simple life of experience these simple things in one day. Is there a quilt with a rocket and butterflies. Who knows another idea.

It is summer.. I thought it was summer two weeks ago here.. Hot humid.. A tropical depression... But not enough rain here in Eastern Central Florida... My yard is a dust bowl.. Dogs (Chloe, French Fry and Sophie) all think it makes for digging big holes.. Are they looking for water. Well, they all are in varying stages of recovering from the NVD... Chloe who only weighs in at 5 1/2 lbs. Is slowly eating and keeping it down.. French Fry who is a very large Pomeranian.. Is laying around after a very bad day yesterday.. I spent an hour washing floors and dog.. What a smelly mess. Thank goodness for pine sol... and dog shampoo.. Then yesterday evening Sophie the Katrine dog rescue started gagging.. Started her on French Fry's medicine right away.. So she hasn't got very bad.. Just milder vomited.. I will post so photo's of these babes soon..
I've sewn some squares for those small quilts together, but not finishing anything yet.. So disappointing..
Took my neighbor up to Brevard Zoo today to go look at their butterfly display. It only lasts 2 weeks. There were about a couple hundred butterflies in this smaller enclosure. with lots of flowers and bowls of butterfly nectar. They were playing classical music. I would have enjoyed a little less noise and some quiet adoration of their beauty. I may go back more toward closing just to get a second look. I forgot my digital camera.. Must get back and get some pica...
So many quilts, So many ideas and so little time ... Or maybe so little energy to complete it all..
Monday, June 19, 2006
Moanday... Chloe still sick.. Back at vet's.. More injections.. volunteered at 4-H quilting camp today for about 2 hours.. Helped cut out squares for this puzzle quilt they are doing.. Amazing no fingers got cut with rotary cutters along the way. Only a few squares not quite square , but they will work out..
I've got a couple of hours in quilting on my own projects, but nothing seems near completion.. So a slow day.
I have no idea which pic is being posted.. Quilting pics seem to have vanished off my computer.. I hate when this happens...
I've got a couple of hours in quilting on my own projects, but nothing seems near completion.. So a slow day.
I have no idea which pic is being posted.. Quilting pics seem to have vanished off my computer.. I hate when this happens...
Sunday, June 18, 2006

Lost Weekend of projects
Yesterday was a really crazy day.. I have been trying to do blocks that a friend gave me... A red white and blue 9 patch that someone else started years ago.. She has gone to the other side, but I am trying to take this package and make a quilt. Not sure what her orginal idea was. But, I know she was a had piecer and her stitches were beautiful on the two blocks that were completed of a totally different material. So all day long I kept coming back to this project... 16 nine patches should be a not brainer. Right.
That is until my little 5 1/2 lb tea cup pom had diarrhea. and didn't eat breakfast.. Her big 1/4 cup... I coherest her to eat little bites. But by three she vomited everything up.. Okay.. So I figure maybe this too will pass.. I cooking dinner for my son and his wife... But now hubby is trying to fix our broken direct tv... I have told him for months that the cable is going bad... Okay, so I had told him so a million time.. He never listens... So in the middle of these two things I get to run off to the specialty electronic store to have special cupplers put on the cable.. Run home and hurrah.. Direct TV is up and running... He is set for continuous soccer viewing ...Supper gets on the table.. they eat and run off to their church.. And I turn around to find Chloe vomited again. 5 more times.. It's 7:30 pm now.. What to do... You got it. Off to the emergency vet clinic about 7 miles away.. Not bad.. She does it in the car.. Yuck.. Poor baby.. I walk in with her in this torn old quilt.. They look at her.. Very nice people.. Dog with gastritis... subque fluids and two shots.. I pay the bill and want to cry but what's mastercard for anyway.... She gets in the house and the diarrhea lets go again .. This time just brown water..Poor baby.. She gets a quick bath.. I spent the next hour cleaning up the floor. Crash on the couch for some mindless news with the baby on my chest... Quilting... maybe 4 blocks completed.. But, I'll press on..
Sunday has been a quiet day..Ha .. Ha... up at 4:30 am with this thunderstorm that is shaking the roof... Hubby got emergency call to go into work for 3 hours.. He missed a soccer game..I did 5 loads of wash.. Where does it come from... Have one run away sock.. That's not so bad either.. I do not cook on Sundays.. Everyone is on their own..Except for the fur kids as my neighbor calls them...
tomorrow will be another day... Doesn't look too promising.. I got volunteered to help a 4-H group do a quilting project doing a puzzle quilt... We'll see how 10 to 12 year olds do with this with out any bodily injury... or tears.. I'll keep posted on this one..
Friday, June 16, 2006

Good morning world.. My world has collapsed with the spontaneous random electronic failure of my Direct TV... Spontaneous random electronic failure is what one of my neighbors called it. He is a retired electrical engineer who used to workd with satelite dish stuff.. He says it just happens.. So funny.. My husband says there has to be a design failure.. But says .." you take care of it." Now you may wonder what this has to do with quilting..
I can not quilt in silence..I need back round noise.. So for now it is NPR... and my old collection of CD's...What's happening with the world cup? What's happening on Simple Quilts.. Can't miss a show.. They are planning on taking it off the air..
I've decide to post a quilt a day.. Until I run out of quilts.. We'll see how far this goes.. May a month or two and then there are always new quilts....yet created.
In yesterdays post.. I failed to mention Jan.. we are meeting at her house. She is so sweet.. She is the quiet quilter. keo and I blab away.. She quietly pins this arcs together with great skill and patience... I do not possess this talent or blessing. Ellen's name is not Ellen.. it may be Aileen.. or Aleen.. So this is a learning and discovery quilt along with a labor of love for this couple. We just get together and quilt..
One quilt is lightning strike and the other post who knows what it is.. I'm learning by trial and error... Enjoy
Thursday, June 15, 2006

Here goes another try. I quilted last night with 3 other wonderful women working on a double wedding ring quilt we are making for a 79's something couple. They are getting married in September. They both have lost previous spouses.. Nice people.. Although I only know the soon to be wife's daughter. Anyway.. Everyone tells you how hard double wedding ring is.. We are using paper pieced design and it is going together better than I had invisioned. Ellen has sewn the corners that connect the arcs.. Keo and I have sewn the arcs' together. It will only be three big rings by Three rings. We are going to do machine embrodery of their names and date in the center block.. Will we get all this done by Sept.. Hopefully. We only work for 1 and 1/2 hours on Wednesday night...
I going to post disappear 9 patches that took me a year to complete. Only because i stated it at a class and put it on the shelf for 11 months..
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
okay, lets see how this works.. First try at this and not getting anywhere quickly. i will adventurally post my quilt pics and ideas to share and maybe the trials of getting older and becoming invisible...