Sunday, June 18, 2006

Lost Weekend of projects
Yesterday was a really crazy day.. I have been trying to do blocks that a friend gave me... A red white and blue 9 patch that someone else started years ago.. She has gone to the other side, but I am trying to take this package and make a quilt. Not sure what her orginal idea was. But, I know she was a had piecer and her stitches were beautiful on the two blocks that were completed of a totally different material. So all day long I kept coming back to this project... 16 nine patches should be a not brainer. Right.
That is until my little 5 1/2 lb tea cup pom had diarrhea. and didn't eat breakfast.. Her big 1/4 cup... I coherest her to eat little bites. But by three she vomited everything up.. Okay.. So I figure maybe this too will pass.. I cooking dinner for my son and his wife... But now hubby is trying to fix our broken direct tv... I have told him for months that the cable is going bad... Okay, so I had told him so a million time.. He never listens... So in the middle of these two things I get to run off to the specialty electronic store to have special cupplers put on the cable.. Run home and hurrah.. Direct TV is up and running... He is set for continuous soccer viewing ...Supper gets on the table.. they eat and run off to their church.. And I turn around to find Chloe vomited again. 5 more times.. It's 7:30 pm now.. What to do... You got it. Off to the emergency vet clinic about 7 miles away.. Not bad.. She does it in the car.. Yuck.. Poor baby.. I walk in with her in this torn old quilt.. They look at her.. Very nice people.. Dog with gastritis... subque fluids and two shots.. I pay the bill and want to cry but what's mastercard for anyway.... She gets in the house and the diarrhea lets go again .. This time just brown water..Poor baby.. She gets a quick bath.. I spent the next hour cleaning up the floor. Crash on the couch for some mindless news with the baby on my chest... Quilting... maybe 4 blocks completed.. But, I'll press on..
Sunday has been a quiet day..Ha .. Ha... up at 4:30 am with this thunderstorm that is shaking the roof... Hubby got emergency call to go into work for 3 hours.. He missed a soccer game..I did 5 loads of wash.. Where does it come from... Have one run away sock.. That's not so bad either.. I do not cook on Sundays.. Everyone is on their own..Except for the fur kids as my neighbor calls them...
tomorrow will be another day... Doesn't look too promising.. I got volunteered to help a 4-H group do a quilting project doing a puzzle quilt... We'll see how 10 to 12 year olds do with this with out any bodily injury... or tears.. I'll keep posted on this one..