Friday, June 23, 2006

I have not idea which pic this is ... Suppose it is one of my cats and a dog... Most likely French Fry... He loves the camera.. The other two are so camera shy..
This is a crazy Friday.. The dermatology office removed the sutures from last weeks biopsy, but didn't come through with the results as they had said.. So what is new. I managed to get two appointments with this specialty dentist for this tooth thing.. Next Wednesday for the talk and follow 14 days from them for the actually upside down root canal.. I am so not thrilled with this..
Dogs are doing so much better. But Sophie tripped going down the stairs to go for morning walk. it is heck getting older ..Poor girl.. I rubbed her leg and she picked herself up and went walking.. She is such a special girl.... Real strong little girl... I just wish I had half of her strength.. Everytime I see pics of Katrina ... I wonder how did she survive.. What is her story.. She had lost 40% of her body weigh. Lost most of her hair and had infections in her feet, eyes and sores on her body. She had black sticky stuff between her teeth and her toes. We did a dental on her and found out she had cracked her big back molar in three pieces and her front lower teeth are totally chipped to almost nothing. But, she eats okay now.. And then she had colon cancer removed one month after she arrive. About 3 months ago we removed another tumor on her right shoulder, but some how not malignant. I'm hoping for a miracle dog..She is being very tolerant of the new little girl, who is young and still loves to play.. Chloe gets on the sofa and wants to jump down ontop of Sophie who is laying next to the couch.. Ocassionally Sophie will grawl at her and Chloe knows she has pushed too far and walks over to French Fry and grabs him under the neck and shakes.. French Fry just sits there saying still little thing. It truly is a zoo. But the good news has been that the cats are so accepting of these dogs and tolerate the occassional game of chase by Chloe. The cats can't quite figure out why this cat/dog (Chloe) gets along so well with those dogs...
What's for supper.. I'm tired of coming up with new ideas and having to exacute them.. I've pinned a little quilt together and will go do some machine quilting on it. Slow quilting day..