Wednesday, June 21, 2006

It is summer.. I thought it was summer two weeks ago here.. Hot humid.. A tropical depression... But not enough rain here in Eastern Central Florida... My yard is a dust bowl.. Dogs (Chloe, French Fry and Sophie) all think it makes for digging big holes.. Are they looking for water. Well, they all are in varying stages of recovering from the NVD... Chloe who only weighs in at 5 1/2 lbs. Is slowly eating and keeping it down.. French Fry who is a very large Pomeranian.. Is laying around after a very bad day yesterday.. I spent an hour washing floors and dog.. What a smelly mess. Thank goodness for pine sol... and dog shampoo.. Then yesterday evening Sophie the Katrine dog rescue started gagging.. Started her on French Fry's medicine right away.. So she hasn't got very bad.. Just milder vomited.. I will post so photo's of these babes soon..
I've sewn some squares for those small quilts together, but not finishing anything yet.. So disappointing..
Took my neighbor up to Brevard Zoo today to go look at their butterfly display. It only lasts 2 weeks. There were about a couple hundred butterflies in this smaller enclosure. with lots of flowers and bowls of butterfly nectar. They were playing classical music. I would have enjoyed a little less noise and some quiet adoration of their beauty. I may go back more toward closing just to get a second look. I forgot my digital camera.. Must get back and get some pica...
So many quilts, So many ideas and so little time ... Or maybe so little energy to complete it all..