Friday, June 16, 2006

Good morning world.. My world has collapsed with the spontaneous random electronic failure of my Direct TV... Spontaneous random electronic failure is what one of my neighbors called it. He is a retired electrical engineer who used to workd with satelite dish stuff.. He says it just happens.. So funny.. My husband says there has to be a design failure.. But says .." you take care of it." Now you may wonder what this has to do with quilting..
I can not quilt in silence..I need back round noise.. So for now it is NPR... and my old collection of CD's...What's happening with the world cup? What's happening on Simple Quilts.. Can't miss a show.. They are planning on taking it off the air..
I've decide to post a quilt a day.. Until I run out of quilts.. We'll see how far this goes.. May a month or two and then there are always new quilts....yet created.
In yesterdays post.. I failed to mention Jan.. we are meeting at her house. She is so sweet.. She is the quiet quilter. keo and I blab away.. She quietly pins this arcs together with great skill and patience... I do not possess this talent or blessing. Ellen's name is not Ellen.. it may be Aileen.. or Aleen.. So this is a learning and discovery quilt along with a labor of love for this couple. We just get together and quilt..
One quilt is lightning strike and the other post who knows what it is.. I'm learning by trial and error... Enjoy