Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Hurrah No Root Canal Needed Today!!!
So this is a good thing. I had an 8 am appointment with this endodondist that I've used since 1982. He did a root canal with my 4 year son Jason sitting in the assistants chair watch and cheer me on .. "Oh, Mom that nerve is so Kool" This endodontist is soo Kool too.. His office is like going into an antigue shoppee. He used to only play NPR for the first twenty years of his practise now he has on Cable with The Daily Buzz. But, I do trust his judgement.. Nice guy to deal with.. But, we are all getting older... Today his mother called while he was seeing me.. He didn't stopped . Said oh, she is 93 and and calls me all day. Most likely wants to tell me she went for her walk on the beach.
Came home to find that Chloe has once again been in the kitty Litter. What the heck is so great about Kitty Litter. It was stuck to her little legs. She had had a bowl of WD dog food as I was leaving for the appointment. The three dogs had had their morning walk... Crazy animals...
Quilting news. I've completed the little Christmas baby quilt for donation. Working on the wall hanging of Cardinals..
The photo should be of Chloe.. I need to get a better labeling system.. But, quilting is my priority..
My younger son is going to borrow the digital camera and see if he can a picture of the Shuttle going off. He works at the Cape... If we get a good shot ... I will post it..