Sunday, September 27, 2009
RECEnt Pictures.. Gotta run to church.. Dogs in the creek exiting the lake I walk around.. Jessie over heated laying in the creek.. Wild flower/weed by the lake and the walker bag I made for my mom...
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The sun is out so far today. Little flower found in my grass. How sweet a tree in late September.
I need to go back to the lake and take some photos. All the wonderful weeds of late September are in full bloom. We walked the lake yesterday and the dogs are just laying around this morning refusing to go this morning. Maybe they will do this walk this afternoon.
I got held up on finishing the baby quilt.. I kept breaking needle and having skipped stitches. Gave up on doing feathers and all seems okay.. I'm not ripping out what I've done already.. Just getting it done and on to the next one..
Dogs now barking at me to go for a walk.. I'm off to the lake and will remember the camera this time..
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I really do not pay attention to the amount of pixials that I can upload. Preview of fall here.. Tree in neighbor's yard is turning just ever so slightly. A pic of my shamrock blooming. I fear it will not survive here. But I just have this soft spot in my heart for shamrock. I've had this particular one for over 10 years. He or she has been such a faithful little plant. The beef soup and corn bread I made last night was wonderful. The red bud tree is letting mother nature turn her leaves to gold ever so slowly. My quilt is in the quilting stage. My sewing machine is complaining about all the twisting and turning. I think I must have ever so slightly bent the needle.. I will replace and see if that solves my problem. I have even vacuumed all the dust out of all those little hidding spots. Check the threading and adjusted the tension. Made sure feed dogs are down and IDT is disengaged.. Yesterday, I stopped quilting long enough to make a new slipcover for my sofa cushion. As I was doing this thinking throw the thing out.. Then the dogs looked at me and said. "But,, we love this old sofat. So it stayes with a new green cover. I was these covers about every week.. i sould go in the business.
It is raining still here in ALabama.. Does it ever stop. Quess I should go do some sewing.
It is raining still here in ALabama.. Does it ever stop. Quess I should go do some sewing.
Friday, September 18, 2009
My husband asked me tonight why I do blogger and who would read it anyway.. I told him I do it for me.. It's my diary. I have never had many secrets if any. Life gets too complicated if you have to keep secrets. Life is what it is. So what can I say.. I am a very simple person who has used sewing to comfort me. It is where I go when the world seems to be falling apart or I'm lonely or angry or sad. It fills the void in my heart some how. I never understood how my grandmother could spend hour after hour at her sewing machine working away. And now I know along with being away for her to earn money to support her family, it was a way for here to find personal peace and fulfillment. She was always happy to see her creations complete. Dresses for me.. Dolls dresses which I wish I had now that I'm this old lady with my mother's naked doll. She needs a grandmother's dress. I guess I need to step up to the plate and make her a dress even if it would not be quite as perfect as I'd think my grandmother would have made..
Dinner was wonderful last night. I made flounder, rice (both whitish). Needed color so I made steamed green beans and broccoli salad with a mayonnaise, wine vinegar, tad of sugar, sesame seed oil . Oh, so good.
It's still raining and I'm not worried about the news saying watch for flooding Cahaba River. The dogs really do not like the rain and thunder off and on.
Not much else new here.. Michelle will be getting her birthday gift.. I hope she likes it.. can't say what it is yet..
Thursday, September 17, 2009
September is melting away in cloudy rainy weather here in Alabama.. Weeds have beautiful flowers.. The dogs are enjoying their walk around one of the 4 lakes here.. They got nails clipped today . Not really happy about that event. Baked oatmeal cookies last night.. Cookies are good.. didn't make supper.. had left over tomato and Italian sausage sauce .. DH had that and I had half of a left over sandwich with a banana.. Sometimes it's just too much to cook every night. I went grocery shopping yesterday.. Totally worn out from that.. I'm going to finish a package for my nephew who is in Afghanistan til late February or March.. DH's office has three workers out with flu like symptoms.. They are saying not h1n1... Who knows what the truth is.. Will post pic later in the day.. maybe sunshine and shadow pinned for quilting..
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Quilting and baking and a quiet day at home. It's now raining again.. and then it stops and is hot and humid here in bama land.. Why can't I just finish one quilt at a time. last night I finally finished the binding on the orphan quilt .. Washed it today and it will soon need a new home. Then there are two more orphans that need quilting and finishing. Then there is the purple quilt pictured here that needs finishing.. There is
Three other orphans that will need finishing. And now my dh has cornered me asking.. How do you do these. What's the math behind them.. Why. I can't answer that.. The math is make do. And the why.. Because my friends have given me boxes of scraps that they could throw away and I love playing with color and the idea of putting it all together.. Oh, my neck is killing me again today.. I need one of those quilting braces.. So much for today.. 15 minutes later and the sun is out and the grassis wet..

Sunday, September 13, 2009
It's a cloudy damp day here in Alabama. the leave are falling off the crypt myrtles. I don't know why blogger is putting my photos in this arrangement ... Oh, well such is life. The bread turned out really great and I laces the little roll muffins with pecans and raisins.. It smelled so good in the house while the bread baked in the oven .. My fieble attempt at making a wreath for my front door out of what is here.. My homemade grapevine wreath. There is more grapevine that I need to clip out yet.. More wreaths to come..
Guess I better get back to sunshine and shadows here..
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Resurrection fern and moss growing in my yard.
I guess I just love green..

Sept. 12... Quiet day here.. Still working on Sunshine and shadow.. Decided on a border and binding.. Only 3 1/2 rows to do and then border.. Moving right along.. Then I'll do the binding on the orphan quilt..
Baked bread this morning. It turned out beautifully. Will post a pic later..
Today's pics are re
Sept. 12... Quiet day here.. Still working on Sunshine and shadow.. Decided on a border and binding.. Only 3 1/2 rows to do and then border.. Moving right along.. Then I'll do the binding on the orphan quilt..
Baked bread this morning. It turned out beautifully. Will post a pic later..
Today's pics are re
Friday, September 11, 2009
9-11 We should not forget.. Freedom isn't free.
It's gray and foggy perfect for 8 years later... My dad said that, "I never thought I'd see anything worse than Pearl Harbor. It smelled so bad as we sailed into Pearl Harbor. This is so bad. Never thought I'd leave long enough to see anything worse."
Always remember .
Cry a little today.
It's gray and foggy perfect for 8 years later... My dad said that, "I never thought I'd see anything worse than Pearl Harbor. It smelled so bad as we sailed into Pearl Harbor. This is so bad. Never thought I'd leave long enough to see anything worse."
Always remember .
Cry a little today.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Cotton in middle, okra on top along with a rose and the quilt I'm working on... You never quite know what blogger is going to do.. I don't know why these are on the bottom this time. But I have been told nothing is the same in Alabama. That sure is true.. for many things I thought I knew about..
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Raining in Helena today.. Our door project is on hold..
Not sure how the quilt pieces are going to go together.. One minute it makes sense and the next I'm not sure I put the strips together correctly.. We'll see how it goes..
The pics are the only flower that bloomed at my house here.. Most likely a weed. The bath towel I made for my dear grandson's birthday..And the experimental block I made for a baby quilt I was going to do, before I jumped into sunshine and shadow world.. We'll see where we go..
Friday, September 04, 2009
It's September an where has all the summer gone for sure... It's gone to weeds. LOL.. I'm baking bread today and we are going to use up all the food that is floating around here. Yes, I have been working on the orphan quilt. It is totally free motion quilted at last. Now the binding and it is done.. I feel I will send it to my sister who had surgery on August 4, She is slowly getting to feel better.. The little pumpkin was featured in the newest Fons and Porter..Of course I changed it a little and made it a little bigger.. My dear husband wanted to take it to his office today.. I couldn't part with it yet.. But I'm sure it will wind up there. I have started a purple, pink and white baby quilt.. It needs to be done by the end of October that seems foible ...But I've cut it out and there are 675 two inches pieces .. Easy Sure.. What am I think'n... It's just a sunshine and shadow. I look at the piece and wonder if I cut out the correct amount.. Sure I did..
We will be spending the weekend doing another fix on the house.. The door to the deck fell apart Monday.. So how hard can putting in a new door be.. Maybe I should tape this for Renovation Nightmares..There is always something that goes a rye with this so called oh it is so simple... Off to quilt and bake..