Sunday, December 31, 2006
Okay, Christmas is past.. J and m replied with .. yes, it was thought of you... blah..blah.. blah.. For me it is forgive and forgotten. Next year I will take Finn's advice and plan my own party..
But, to more pressing things. New Years resolutions.. I have never been much for those.. Last year I vowed to finish a whole bunch of UFO's and I did.. I didn't fuss that they were finished prefectly.. Just done and on their way to new homes. Most were grasiously accepted and enjoyed..
So what do I plan for this year..
One.. not too many baby quilts.. Looking to do 3 or four twin/full or queen size projects.. But, who knows what Fons and Porter will inspired me to start a new.
Loss weight.. Finn that's a good one.. I loss 5 lbs and then gain it back.. So we will try again.. and again every day.. Till I get this one right.
Get the clutter under control in my house.. Boy would that one be nice.
Get the floor replaced in the great room.. it was a soggy mess in Jeanne and still needs to get out of here..
I guess that is enough for this new year.. God Bless and have a good evening celebrating the new year..
But, to more pressing things. New Years resolutions.. I have never been much for those.. Last year I vowed to finish a whole bunch of UFO's and I did.. I didn't fuss that they were finished prefectly.. Just done and on their way to new homes. Most were grasiously accepted and enjoyed..
So what do I plan for this year..
One.. not too many baby quilts.. Looking to do 3 or four twin/full or queen size projects.. But, who knows what Fons and Porter will inspired me to start a new.
Loss weight.. Finn that's a good one.. I loss 5 lbs and then gain it back.. So we will try again.. and again every day.. Till I get this one right.
Get the clutter under control in my house.. Boy would that one be nice.
Get the floor replaced in the great room.. it was a soggy mess in Jeanne and still needs to get out of here..
I guess that is enough for this new year.. God Bless and have a good evening celebrating the new year..
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Okay, this may be moaning or screaming.. Why me .. What did I do to my kids that they think ignoring me for Christmas is okay.. Tim couldn't even say Merry Christmas mom and dad.. Jason and his wife played this game of calling at 7:30 am. Oh, we are baking cinnamon buns will call you when we are leaving home. By 11 am we gave up on the cinnamon buns. Got a call maybe around noon .. Oh, we will be over at 2 pm. 2 pm comes and goes.. 4 pm I call over to the in laws and say tell them not to come there is a severe thunderstorm coming.. Stay put.. 7 pm Jason and wife show up with this platter of cookies and 6 cinnamon buns.. Oh, by the way we need the platters back.. Okay, I put the stuff on a dish of mine.. She proceeds to wash and dry the dishes and says.. "Oh, honey will you dry these... Oh, yes dear." The two gifts we open next ... are recycled for sure.. 6 chocolate truffles and bbq sauces.. Which I'm sure came in some package to them and they needed a gift..
I am so upset.. I've got to let it go.. It is not what Jason or Tim saw in this house. There were always gifts for all.. Gifts for children on the churches giving tree.. Donations to salvation army, food for poor, community harvest and on and on.. They never learned the art of giving.. How did I fail this lesson.. They saw me send packages off to grandmothers and aunts.. They saw packages come to the house.. With the chocolates that smelled like my aunt. The trucks , the cars, the underwear, the pj's and tee shirts.. The dolls and I thought the love. I must have failed the lesson of giving and the spirit of the season to them.
My daughter some how got it.. Over the years there have been surprises and wonderful things.. Creams and soaps and pictures of kids, and phone calls that are so special. I'll always remember the white tulips from Martha Stewart in the middle of the winter for my birthday. What a wonderful surprise of generousity and wonder and love.
The boys just missed it.. They saw the stuff we had send my mother in law.. She gave it all back to us on her passing.. She was special too..
Okay, so I've got it off my back..
I'm going out of town for next Christmas... Planning a trip already..
Also planning 07 quilts .. Three in cutting stage. For me that is always the hard part.. The committing to a color range and direction.
See you all in 07..
chloe is limping along with her injured Knees, too funny little thing.. She has to stop jumping off of the bed, the sofa, the chairs..
Sunday, December 17, 2006

Where does the time go? The photo's should be of my latest quilting venture.. Thanks to Finn... I'm doing a little abc thing for chirstmas. only using 4 1/2 inch center block and then her patient corner thing ..of course I didn't make blocks just the sub units and only did a little riping here and there .. Always a little dislexia here and there..
My sewing machine is still in shop.. But, Mary kindly lent me one of her machines since I was showing signs of quilting withdrawal.. Good thing, because right now I could either scream or start throwing things a my husband of more than 30 years.. This too will pass as long as i keep my fingers and brain busy with quilts... No alcohol or tobacco,... just quilts..
Tomorrow is a dentist visit and then prayer group.. Prayer group is wrapping little presents that we bought for a near by nursing home.... Mostly toiletry stuff and socks.. Just little things.. I havent switched to beta and not sure I will till it is the absolute only thing I can do.. Stubborn old lady here..
Oh, pics of dogs.. white one is sophie and little black one is Chloe... French Fry was hiding from the camera.
Sunday, December 10, 2006

Shuttles Off!
Wow! what a light in the night sky. Follow that star of astronaunts. I have been a shuttle follower since 1981. It never gets old and you never stop holding your breath praying for safe travel. Last nights was spectacular. The sky from my porch lite up to glowing orange and then she (Discovery) topped the tree line in break neck speed. I tried to click and click. And in a blink of a eye she was over the horizen. on rare morning if you get up early enough and look to the south east and scan north east you can get a quick glance of the space station going by. How marvelous.
No quilting.. no machine.. I'm lost... But, designing a new project.. Maybe Finn's new block.. I need a quilt for a baby girl by January 27 .. That's lots of time..
Off to write cards to my non e mail friends.
Thursday, December 07, 2006

These should be pics of my log cabin quilts that I made in the shape of wreaths. And a tree star thing that my son in law sprinkled with acrylic orange colored paint. They are small dots that only I can see. It made it special..
Where has the time gone? Mom has conceded to go into a studio apartment until the assisted living place has a one bed room. I think this will be good for her. So she can have more people around and things to do. She is moving on the 20th.
Sophie is holding on.. Sophie is my katina rescue dog that has had surgery for colon cancer a year ago. She is now having seizures occasionally but still has some very good days of running and chasing her ball and carrying her doll baby around. She just tells you when she has had enough walking. The other two just go along with what ever Sophie wants to do.. They know..
I'm almost finish with Christmas gifts... And Geoff is all involved with getting his motorcycle fixed from the Accident that he had just 200 feet from our house.. Neighbor ran into him as he sat at the stop sign. Neighbor had been bending over to catch his coffe cup that had spilled as he made the turn into our street. Luck and grace were with Geoff letting him avoid being hit in the head with the truck mirror and stepping off into the ditch as the truck hit the bike. Verry Very lucky.
My sewing machine was in for a cleaning.. got it back monday... And it is acting crazy.. Needle down gives me 5 stitches.. It doesn't run slowly..only 90 miles a minute and gets stuck in the needle down position. The repair guy is out of town til Friday..
So I'm cutting up scraps and hand quilting a small wall hanging of an Ohio Star in Holiday colors.
Have a great day...