Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Two pictures of the sunshine and shadow that I made using Bonnie thanks for your inspiration.. Thanks to Finn for her encouragement. I am handquilting this quilt using pearl cotton and finn's directions.. Thanks so much.. for blogging quilting encouragement and ideas.
So what has been happening around here.. Not much.. going to visit and assisted living facilty with my mother later this week.. She needs to move out of my sister's house. Just pray we find something she can afford.
My heel pain continues, but it comes and goes.. Not sure what to do at this point. Not sure I want to go back to the doctor.. I won't take his dispensed pills. I want a more natural solution. Taking ginger right now.. can't take that qucasomine and condroten.. allergic.. Such a deal.. But, I'll just keep quilting my way through this thing..
Sophie is slowing down and not pooping right.. But, I'm not ready to let her go yet.. She is grumpy at times to the cats and the dogs.. and sometimes just sits down and refuses to walk. But she is just and old gal and can do what ever she wants in my book.. for being a surviver of that terrible time in New Orleans.. Wish she could talk..
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Okay, the disaster of the fannel quilts.. I bound them with dark kelly green fannel.. I did not prewash it.. Big mistake.. It turned all three a pale green. They will be okay for donation, but not my original plan for the color.. Even the backing of bleached muslin dyed green.. Kermit is right.. It's not easy being green,..... But, green is a wonderful color .. so I won't cry.. Just go on to new quilts with a valuable lesson in pre wash.. pre wash ..pre wash...
Our version of a cool front here is 72 degrees. I have to laugh. The guys on the weather station.. talk about cool down.. It's just wonderful.. Right now.. Picks and more later.. I working on Bonnie's sunshine and shadow... but of course I only read about half of her directions and took off cutting and sewing so we'll see where we got with this one.. Thanks and hello to all of you who read and comment..VBS...
Our version of a cool front here is 72 degrees. I have to laugh. The guys on the weather station.. talk about cool down.. It's just wonderful.. Right now.. Picks and more later.. I working on Bonnie's sunshine and shadow... but of course I only read about half of her directions and took off cutting and sewing so we'll see where we got with this one.. Thanks and hello to all of you who read and comment..VBS...
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Okay.. it has been 8 days since I last wrote anything..My computer is burping .. so if anything gets posted it will be a miracle. three pics of fannel quilt s finish.. Then I washed them and they are now green.. Bite by the oh I will not prewash this fannel for the binding.. Oops.. the first time I've gotten burned this badly. But it did turn out to be a nice minty green.
Enjoyed my 4 and half days with Sandy and kids. Came home completely wiped out with the fibromyalgia rearing it ugly head.. Have layed around and moaned and gripped at my husband .. So Now that computer is saying it is doing strange things I'll post this before it gone in outer space
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Here I am in Tallahassee. It has been a wonderful visit so far. Ranen sure is a handful. Last night we (Sandy and grandkids) had dinner will the Alley's. Many thanks for a wonderful dinner.. Forgot my camera so no pics today.. Plus blogger seems to have lost part of my blog.. such is life..
Monday, October 02, 2006

Okay, the pic should be my first butterfly quilt..
I'm off to Tally for a few days.. to visit grandkids and daughter.. It should be fun..we are going to make homemade applebutter to quell our autumn wish to visit mountains in fall color, pic apples and listen to the falling leaves.. So we will make applebutter and enjoy the smell of cinnamon and dream of mountain days..