Monday, October 02, 2006

Okay, the pic should be my first butterfly quilt..
I'm off to Tally for a few days.. to visit grandkids and daughter.. It should be fun..we are going to make homemade applebutter to quell our autumn wish to visit mountains in fall color, pic apples and listen to the falling leaves.. So we will make applebutter and enjoy the smell of cinnamon and dream of mountain days..
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Hi Sharon, soooo good to see you posting again. I tried to visit and then got your message about losing the blog. Figured I'd try anyway, and here you are *VBS*
The butterflies look wonderful...what a great quilt!!
Hope the time in the mountains and the apple butter turns out well. Take care of you, Big hugs, Finn
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The butterflies look wonderful...what a great quilt!!
Hope the time in the mountains and the apple butter turns out well. Take care of you, Big hugs, Finn
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