Monday, February 15, 2010
Yes, it snowed here in Birmingham on Friday.. I have been sewing and staying near home. Made pumpkin bread and Italian pounded chicken cutlets. Ravoli and oven baked fish.. Dogs do not like the snow.. except Little girl went in the snow and had little snow balls hanging from her belly and legs.
Spring has to be around the corner. Do I plant some veggies or just plant some flowers. In this cold weather I don't want to think about this..
Labels: ramblings
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
This will be rambling.. Why do I quilt? I quilt to calm my nerves. I quilt to create something I see in my mind's eye. I quilt to wrap friends, and baby and special people in quilts since I can wrap them in love any other way.. I quilt to drift away into another or to bring a little bit of mystery spirit to visual pleasure. I will continue to quilt. It calms my nerves and gives me a small purpose in this crazy world. That sometime does not make alot of sense.
Labels: ramblings
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Pictures of the treasures that arrived in the mail yesterday.. Dear Friend Keo made me a fully lined fleece jacket. All I've been saying is how cold I am. What a blessing. I was almost going to sleep in it last night. LOL.. The blue pile of stuff is the blue quilt I started last week in progress. I have all the blocks cut out and the four patches sewn and all the half squared triangle blocks sewn .. All 168 of them.. Now off to start joining things together.. The other two tops and stack of blocks came from dear Friend Carol. I am so blessed with wonderful thoughtful friends. How great is that on a dreary foggy misty rainy day.. New potentials.. Who will receive all these quilts when they are done I do not know.. Baking bread today, too..
Friday, February 05, 2010
Lazy dogs and new quilt in the cutting stage.. I need to make 144 half square triangles.. 38 done and all the other strips and blocks cut . Now the sewing begins. Will it turn out like the drawing. Hopeful.. It will measure around 72 X 78. I'm still working on the border design.. More triangles or stips..
Thursday, February 04, 2010
I can't seem to find pictures today.. It's raining and I have pulled a muscle in my neck or shoulder yesterday.. I either sewed too much doing machine quilting or I pulled something working on my little project of rebuilding a small retaining wall .. It is only about 15 feet and a foot and half tall.. Pulling out all the stuff that is fall down and then getting some new bigger rocks.. Ha!.. Side lined right now.. Pictures to follow..