This is a hodge podge of pics. Supper the other night. Roast pork with potatoes, parsnips, carrots, onions, celery and tons of garlic drown in olive oil.. Soo good the parsnips were like sugar. My fair feathered friends visit daily. I haven't been able to get a picture of this wonderful cardinal. Still a work in progress. The pic of my design wall. Don't know where it is going.. I really would like to figure out where to put my sewing room in this new house that we moved to 7 months ago. The basement room which was going to be my studio has become a guest bedroom and dumping ground for stuff that doesn't fit on the main living area.. One bedroom has become an office with all the bookcases. The dining room is where i sew went we do not have company. Living room is where I have my cutting table and the other bedroom is a holding place for fabric. And I sleep among the fabric when my dear hubby has to get up at 4 am to go to work.. have to work on this project somehow..

# posted by sharon b @ 9:50 AM