Thursday, December 18, 2008

The previous pic of a dog is Jessica..Jessie.. Jessie Sophie.. what ever she decides to come to.. Too funny dog sitting in Oni's basket cat bed.. Jessie also hides under beds, under the coffee table and in a corner of any closet she can get into if there is a noise that spooks her.. Fire works, gun shots, pans dropped, cats knocking down stuff off of shelves or doors slamming.. Funny gal but each day she seems like she is relaxing and becoming more a part of the pack of French Fry and chloe...
To all a Merry Christmas... We will survive these crazy economic times.. God is Good..
Quilt news I sent the double wedding ring to "The Quilt Place" to be machine quilted. I will not have time to hand quilt it.. Too many ideas to and patterns to do. So it will cost me dearly.. But it will be done. and I'm off to do a quilt from a new book that is my Christmas treat to myself "more fat quarter quilts" or something like that.. It will be fun and maybe a way to use up some of my fat quarters that I have collected...
Monday, December 15, 2008

trying to post the premie quilt I sent to Gallavanting-Photographer for a miracle premie..Just sad day here.. Reflecting on lossing dear friends.. Verna passed on before thanksgiving and my dear aunt gertie who is 94 plus.. has had a bad stroke and not doing well.. Mom is holding her own so far.. Life is fragil hand with care and prayer for sure..
We may have found a wonderful home to buy if we are lucky enough to manage to get the bank that owns it in foreclosure will settle with out offer.. Otherwise we are back to square one or no where.. it is so hard to know what to do in this crazy market situation...
Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm back.. The house is not clean and organized. It is still on the market for what that is worth.. Not much.. Small things done.. my son's treadmill is gone from the garage.. I've planned some low growing lantana's and cleaned out a flower bed.. The dogs have had baths and lots of walks .. I did get to spend a week with my dear daughter family for Thanksgiving.. It was a glorious week even thought there were lots of dishes, and passing the crying Kaniel.. Of course, I didn't get even one picture.. What a bad grandma.. And I got to see Evan and did not get a picture of him either.. I've managed to get a Christmas tree up and have candles in my log cabin windows at night.. Now that I've re loaded the camera program maybe I'll get some more pictures posted more often..
Lots of sad news Verna, my dear (breast) friend passed on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.. She was a great celebrator of holidays.. She was almost like a sister mother to me.. I will miss her dearly. My youngest son really lost it and had to leave work when I told him of her passing.. She always had such a special relationship with him.. Christmas will be hard without her added joy.. But, I know she will be over seeing a celebration in heaven.. Another dear friend has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.. Qrazy Quilters had a one day quilt project and we made a 42 X 72 inch quilt to wrap her in our love and prayers for her.. How special was that.. When Carol gets a picture to me I'll post it..
I've got to do a better job of labeling photos.. Not sure what I've up loaded..
With luck there are the two baby quilts and the Quazy Quilters Challenge quilt to us the quilting ladies.. Lots of fun.. I'm also trying to add the premie quilt I made for this little guy Cameron who was born at 1 lb 4 oz back in October.. He is almost 3 pounds now.. What a little miracle...
Today is lunch with the To Much to Sew Quilting group.. It's cool here in Florida today and I'm still working on the double wedding ring quilt and doing an Orphan Train quilt. Idea from Finn's blog..Someday I'll figure out how to post links.. Learning slowly here.. Too busy quilting and dog walking..