Thursday, December 18, 2008

The previous pic of a dog is Jessica..Jessie.. Jessie Sophie.. what ever she decides to come to.. Too funny dog sitting in Oni's basket cat bed.. Jessie also hides under beds, under the coffee table and in a corner of any closet she can get into if there is a noise that spooks her.. Fire works, gun shots, pans dropped, cats knocking down stuff off of shelves or doors slamming.. Funny gal but each day she seems like she is relaxing and becoming more a part of the pack of French Fry and chloe...
To all a Merry Christmas... We will survive these crazy economic times.. God is Good..
Quilt news I sent the double wedding ring to "The Quilt Place" to be machine quilted. I will not have time to hand quilt it.. Too many ideas to and patterns to do. So it will cost me dearly.. But it will be done. and I'm off to do a quilt from a new book that is my Christmas treat to myself "more fat quarter quilts" or something like that.. It will be fun and maybe a way to use up some of my fat quarters that I have collected...