Monday, December 15, 2008

trying to post the premie quilt I sent to Gallavanting-Photographer for a miracle premie..Just sad day here.. Reflecting on lossing dear friends.. Verna passed on before thanksgiving and my dear aunt gertie who is 94 plus.. has had a bad stroke and not doing well.. Mom is holding her own so far.. Life is fragil hand with care and prayer for sure..
We may have found a wonderful home to buy if we are lucky enough to manage to get the bank that owns it in foreclosure will settle with out offer.. Otherwise we are back to square one or no where.. it is so hard to know what to do in this crazy market situation...
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I'm so sorry to hear of your friend's passing and all the other stuff going on. I will try to get the preemie quilt to Sierra for Cameron when she gets home. I believe he was having eye surgery on Christmas Eve, but he's still our little miracle baby.
God bless you and Merry Christmas!
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God bless you and Merry Christmas!
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