Sunday, September 16, 2007

I guess life is about letting go.. I am a collecter of stuff. Maybe not as bad as some and not as clutter free as others.. I have been pitching stuff for 4 years now. Saying stuff like.. "If I die tomorrow, what a mess to clean up." My son's reply is we will get a dumpster and pitch for you.. Wish they could give me a moment now and then to move some furniture out of here.. IT's all too much at this point.
Felt like I didn't get much done this week.. But did pitch the old broken gas grill. My DH doesn't even know it's gone.. What a hoot that will be. It's been sitting on our porch rusting for a year.. The inside had so much grease in it that the defector plate rusted way under the weigh of the grease. Now I ask you.. Would you eat anything grilled on that mess. I think not.. I also found a colony of black widow spiders living happily in the corner of the porch.. So I'm approaching that corner carefully.. I will go to Ace Hardware and see what kind of bug spray they have that may help..

As for quilting I first felt I didn't do much .. But, I did make 15 bowtie blocks for my Thursday night quilting club and 12 finished quilted blocks for a donation quilt for a 42 year old woman in a local nursing home.. Who's husband happens to also be divorcing her.. And this week her 15 year old daughter ran away from home.. There sure is a lady who needs some help... Some of the gals have started visiting her and one even took her out for lunch.. God is good in his way.. Making us all grow in giving to her.. So maybe I did do something this week..

I've decide I have a sinus infection and started taking some left over antibiotics til I can get in to see Doctor or nurse practicianer on Monday.. Had headaches, pain under my right eye, hot and cold and no energy..

Sophie has been dx with heart failure.. Doing laxis and bp pill. Mild improvement.. had to know what to do for her. Just try to keep her pain free as possible at this point...
Guess, I go was some floors and get my husband out of the great room so I can wash that floor too.. Then collapse for the rest of the day..


Sharon, thanks for your comment.

Vogel State Park is a great place, I love to walk around the lake trail. Where in the mountains are you from? And where do you anticipate moving to?
Sharon, we have a lot in common - the clutter in my house is overwhelming at times. I, too, have been trying to de-clutter for the past couple of years. I think I'm just moving it from one room to another. :) I've also thought what would my family do with all this stuff when I died. They would probably get a big dumpster and trash it all. Oh well, hang in there.
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