Monday, April 30, 2007

okay, these are desperate times for photos. I need to get out and take some new stuff. Especially need new pics of the dogs.. Sophie has dislocated her left knee cap and torn her acl.. She's on pain meds, special food for older dogs and less walking.. She also has an enlarged heart and calcifations in her lungs.. But she keeps going .. What an example to all of us of courage and strength.. Chloe's also done similar thing to both of her knees. She has slowed down..NOT.. Crazy little girl. And French Fry just keeps doing the same..being a good old boy...
Quilt club was pretty good.. At Carol's house.. Made a block from Fons and Porter for another donation quilt.. And I forgot my camera and missed pics of Nina's donation blocks of hearts quilt.. It was wonderful.. My fibromyalgia was really acting up yesterday and glad all the gals in club put up with grummpy me yesterday.
Finn, how great to be getting a studio to work in.. It is always such inspiration.. Ebby will have so much fun poking in all the quilting stuff.
Guess, I should go walk the dogs and do some meaningful work to warrant my existence to my husband .. Hope you all are laughing... He doesn't get it .. I life to quilt not to clean..
Labels: ramblings