Saturday, January 20, 2007
Just one comment today. Blogger has re enforced one thing.. We as women of the world have more in common than not. We all have this need to creat something.. Quilts, jewelery, pottery, blankets, toys, paintings, some form of art. It is in our soul to be creative.. And we are nurturing, caring, and more kind than not. I hope that we can pass this creativity on to our daughters. My soap box for today.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Shamrocks, pointsetta's and african violets. Different.. My purple quilt done for giving this afternoon.
I'm in a cleaning mood and would like to get a dumpster and threw alot of junk out... My husband would have a heart attack so I will just sneak out small garbage bags of stuff for a couple of weeks.. Anything gone makes me feel better.
Dreaming of a new quilt project, but nothing definite yet. I'm helping a lady with a baby quilt on Thursday and teaching a friend Leah's utility quilting. She needs to see it and feel it to learn it.. So that will be nice to do.. MOre to come later.. I have to get serious about organizing my quilting material again..
Sunday, January 14, 2007

So if I did the picture correctly there are two pics of sunrise yesterday morning. Onw will have the moon. It was so neat. The walking picture is a wild card..Have to see what it is.
Not much new here.. We riped up the great room carpet last weekend and I have spent this week vacuuming and nailing down the loose nails. Now plan on putting down a couple of coats of high performance floor paint from sherwin williams. So we will see what happens now.. to choose the real flooring choice.. It will take 5 years for hubby to make a decision.. Has to be the correct one that will last 100 years.. Okay hope you are laughing.
I've put the border on the next block for our quilt club round robin. It is getting harder to add borders since there are three borders already. But the challenge is fun.
I've finished the baby quilt for Michelle from my Vet's office who is having a little girl.. I'll need to take a finished picture. I had trouble with the one side border stretching out of shape.
Both my sons will be in Quincy Ill this week. for different reasons. Who would have guessed.. But, we'll see if they manage to see each other for even a quick meal since they both have different work schedule. Boy, life sure can be funny at times.
One day at a time...
Thursday, January 04, 2007

Okay, this may be a real mess.. I'm trying to upload some pics from Christmas to now. should be one new lightning strike baby quilt.. Which now does have boarders and is pinned awaiting machine quilting. There is a puzzle quilt that a friend gave me for Christmas .. What a wonderful gift. I just love the pattern. Some pics of my favorite dogs.. Sunset today..but I am truly not sure what will show up..Kind of like my life.. who knows what today will bring or tomorrow.. One moment at a time.. just rolling along here the best I can.. day by day..