Wednesday, April 07, 2010
So what can I say.. Spring is finally here .. when the balloons fly again. Why can't I get blogger to place my photos down the side of the page any side. It just keeps doing it's own thing.. The friendship of cat and dog .. How crazy is this.. Chloe does think she is a cat.. Runs with them. Climbs on the table tops. Sits in the window watching the birds.. And last but not least is my new stove which seems to work so much better.. Hot water for pasta boils in no time at all.. I am finishing binding on a baby quilt..and working on quilting the blue star quilt.. I never get things finished as quickly as my brain would like me to get things accomplished.
My to do list is so long and the pollen count is off the charts which slows me down.. FF is doing some better. That is it for now.. Trapped in Alabama..Missing Florida..