Monday, February 02, 2009

If this works there should be picks of my birthday flowers and the 4 deer who chompped down my ginger plants.. I really thought they would leave them alone.. They have previously eaten crotons, hibiscus, butterfly bush, a ceder tree and they save me from mowing an area.. They sleep under my oak trees.. How cute is that.. Chloe doesn't think it is safe.. She barks and they ignore..
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Happy Birthday! I would love to be able to photograph those deer every day. How lucky you are, except I hate that they eat your plants.
Happy belated birthday to you Sharon. We are all getting on in years, but don't feel it (all the time). Your auntie sounds like she had a nice long life.
Hope all is well for you and that you will soon be able to sell your house and move north.
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Hope all is well for you and that you will soon be able to sell your house and move north.
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