Monday, February 02, 2009

If this works there should be picks of my birthday flowers and the 4 deer who chompped down my ginger plants.. I really thought they would leave them alone.. They have previously eaten crotons, hibiscus, butterfly bush, a ceder tree and they save me from mowing an area.. They sleep under my oak trees.. How cute is that.. Chloe doesn't think it is safe.. She barks and they ignore..
February 2nd, 2009... Where has the month of January gone.. It's gone.. I have two baby scrappy quilts done.. The wedding ring needs to be photographed along with a orphan train quilt that I completed in two weeks. Crazy..
I've been cold .. I know Florida does get as cold as up north.. But my southern blood is not used to 40's or 30's ...
I was blessed with two bouquets of flowers for my Birthday.. So much fun.. A friend gave me chocolate.. How great is that.. others gave me scones, a jar of peanut butter and mac and cheese..And a Saturday evening dinner.. One friend gave me cash for a pedicure which I turned into a box of quilting thread.. She will understand for sure.. Have to feed my addiction to sewing.. I treated myself to three used quilting books from our library sell bin.. Each are early 1980's books with great ideas and information.
My Aunt Gertie passed on New Year's Day.. January 1 at 11:15 pm.. She was 94 and 9 months old.. What a survivor.. She had lived in the same NYC apartment from 1934.. Walked everywhere.. Collected everything she found on the street.. He son and his wife went down and cleaned out her apartment.. The miracle of NYC is if you put it out on the street it will disappear in minutes.. Old mattress gone.. 80 year old dress gone.. boxes of junk from her kitchen gone.. dishes gone.. Rags gone.. Old clothes gone.. Thanks to all who took the stuff away.. We her survivors have our own boxes of accumulated junk of life.. which we too will not be taking with us to the other side of death.. I'm not down ..I do miss talking to her.. I talked to her at the very least weekly some times daily.. I do know she was tired and ready to go home with her past family.. God Bless you my dear..
My quilting friend is going to battle with pancreatic cancer.. I did purple blocks for a raffle quilt for a cancer walk that is coming up.. I pray and an pray.. That's my job.. Plus I quilt.. and quilt.. such is life..
My February plan is to blog more and maybe get better Internet connections , a new computer and camera.. Boy, I am wishing and hoping big here..
Enjoy my flowers.. I sure did..
I've been cold .. I know Florida does get as cold as up north.. But my southern blood is not used to 40's or 30's ...
I was blessed with two bouquets of flowers for my Birthday.. So much fun.. A friend gave me chocolate.. How great is that.. others gave me scones, a jar of peanut butter and mac and cheese..And a Saturday evening dinner.. One friend gave me cash for a pedicure which I turned into a box of quilting thread.. She will understand for sure.. Have to feed my addiction to sewing.. I treated myself to three used quilting books from our library sell bin.. Each are early 1980's books with great ideas and information.
My Aunt Gertie passed on New Year's Day.. January 1 at 11:15 pm.. She was 94 and 9 months old.. What a survivor.. She had lived in the same NYC apartment from 1934.. Walked everywhere.. Collected everything she found on the street.. He son and his wife went down and cleaned out her apartment.. The miracle of NYC is if you put it out on the street it will disappear in minutes.. Old mattress gone.. 80 year old dress gone.. boxes of junk from her kitchen gone.. dishes gone.. Rags gone.. Old clothes gone.. Thanks to all who took the stuff away.. We her survivors have our own boxes of accumulated junk of life.. which we too will not be taking with us to the other side of death.. I'm not down ..I do miss talking to her.. I talked to her at the very least weekly some times daily.. I do know she was tired and ready to go home with her past family.. God Bless you my dear..
My quilting friend is going to battle with pancreatic cancer.. I did purple blocks for a raffle quilt for a cancer walk that is coming up.. I pray and an pray.. That's my job.. Plus I quilt.. and quilt.. such is life..
My February plan is to blog more and maybe get better Internet connections , a new computer and camera.. Boy, I am wishing and hoping big here..
Enjoy my flowers.. I sure did..