Sunday, January 20, 2008
this will be short.. The carpet is in.. It looks great.. What an improvement.
Oni got herself smashed in the back door to the garage and dislocated on of her digits. She is doing okay.. but I didn't need the trip to the emergency vets. But it could have been worse.. She is walking a little slow and not jumping as high..
The porch stairs are done and the rock it re applied around them.. This was neat.. I got to help and have a square to finish yet.. Pics later.
Oni got herself smashed in the back door to the garage and dislocated on of her digits. She is doing okay.. but I didn't need the trip to the emergency vets. But it could have been worse.. She is walking a little slow and not jumping as high..
The porch stairs are done and the rock it re applied around them.. This was neat.. I got to help and have a square to finish yet.. Pics later.
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Good morning! In my time zone it's round 4:30 am.. blogger has another. That's okay.
I've been up since 3:30 am .. Most likely insomnia from being put on Levquin for a swollen Chin.. Crazy.. cellulist ... from what.. maybe a spider i stirred up moving all this stuff around this place trying to get ready to move..I hate moving.. If i could just take only the stuff I really couldn't quilts and sewing machines and fabric.. maybe my dishes and Nick Knacks that remind me of the past.. I'd be fine.. But DH wants to take every last National Geographic from year one... It's all on CD or DVD.. All those old albums are collecting dust.. the old record player does work but the wiring required is a waste of copper or aluminum..The kids are gone .. we don't need toy boxes anymore.. I made him throw out two very badly rusted bike frames from 35 years ago.. He was parting with gold.. yes, if he was a welder and used these rusty parts in a sculpture I'd understand.. But, he is a nerd.. He's a crazy motorcycle rider on the side.. he's a retired pilot. He has no leaning towards artistic at all.. But, I do still love him. He tries to do woodworking, but the scientist in him get overly detailed to really get to the end product..
But, I'm wandering on as I usually do.. My heart is sad.. but quilting brings me joy. So I am excited about Janis's gift of her unfinished quilt.. It's orange and rust and brown's and a little green. and some gold.. It will make a nice autumn tone quilt..
I managed to get a new pic of the dogs on the cold day in January January 4th ..2008.. I had made Chloe a new hot pink dog blanket type coat.. She is such a ham sometimes.. though a little 7 pound one.. French Fry is getting to be a big lazy goof.. We three do still miss sophie.. Keeping my eye out for a replacement.
So I'm uploading a random pic from 2006... Still musing about how fast time goes and yet how slow this night has been ...... but I will feel better soon and life will go on.
My dear youngest son will be coming over to help move furniture for the carpet installation.. I'll post some pics of this adventure.. Like my life isn't mixed up enough right now.. Where is simplicity... and calm.. I must look for this ..
Ah the pic is a Christmas wreath log cabin I made in the 80's when I first started quilting.. i still us it every Christmas.. I love Christmas quilts.
No much else to do right now.. Maybe go back to bed..
Saturday, January 12, 2008
January 12, 2008
Where has the time gone.. Today is my middle son's birthday. 29 years ago.. Wow!
And in the past month my DH has turned our world upside down accepting a new Job in Birmingham Alabama.. That's right Birmingham an new quilter is coming to town. I am hoping for lots of great quilt shops or at least one I can fall in love with..
So the past 30 plus days have been super crazy.. Trying to put our house on the market.. What market I ask.. Trying to find a place to live in Birmingham.. 30 days is not enough time.. DH starts work on 28th.. I'll stay behind to deal with house stuff here in Florida.. and keep my animals happy.
We took 4 days out of craziness to go see DD and her family for Christmas. Great time was had by all ... Except I got Ranen's cold when I got home.. 50 + yr olds do not like ear clogs, nose clogs or sinus clogs.. I failed to fly to DH was off searching by himself.. He did not have a good time..
I have failed to post my latest photos since my camera is so old it won't up load to my used newer computer.. Who would
but a dear friend just gave me a gift of a wedding ring quilt she started and isn't going to finish .. She's done with it.. So now I try to finish it.. It's in many pieces .. But, some directions.. Not necessarily where I would have gone with it.. But, I do love puzzles .. So I'll give you an up date as it progresses along.. Maybe I need a new camera for my birthday which is coming up.. Hint. Hint to all my family .. pool your gift to one little Kodak digital camera for mom.. We'll see.
So time marches on and we'll see what this week brings.. New carpet for the whole main floor.. Will it help ..sell ..maybe...maybe not..
Congratulation to my second son and his wife who are expecting a new baby in Sept of this year.. DD due in July... and the circle of life goes on ..
But, I am saddened by the news lately with this two young women killed in their twenty's.. on hiking with her dog.. the other pregnant and in the marines.. How sad for their families.. But also our world that becomes more crazy every day..
peace kindness, love, joy.. respect for life.. Here in Orlando everyday there seems to be another crazy killing of innocent victims for or over materialism..Sad that things have become more important than people and relationships and family..
Where has the time gone.. Today is my middle son's birthday. 29 years ago.. Wow!
And in the past month my DH has turned our world upside down accepting a new Job in Birmingham Alabama.. That's right Birmingham an new quilter is coming to town. I am hoping for lots of great quilt shops or at least one I can fall in love with..
So the past 30 plus days have been super crazy.. Trying to put our house on the market.. What market I ask.. Trying to find a place to live in Birmingham.. 30 days is not enough time.. DH starts work on 28th.. I'll stay behind to deal with house stuff here in Florida.. and keep my animals happy.
We took 4 days out of craziness to go see DD and her family for Christmas. Great time was had by all ... Except I got Ranen's cold when I got home.. 50 + yr olds do not like ear clogs, nose clogs or sinus clogs.. I failed to fly to DH was off searching by himself.. He did not have a good time..
I have failed to post my latest photos since my camera is so old it won't up load to my used newer computer.. Who would
but a dear friend just gave me a gift of a wedding ring quilt she started and isn't going to finish .. She's done with it.. So now I try to finish it.. It's in many pieces .. But, some directions.. Not necessarily where I would have gone with it.. But, I do love puzzles .. So I'll give you an up date as it progresses along.. Maybe I need a new camera for my birthday which is coming up.. Hint. Hint to all my family .. pool your gift to one little Kodak digital camera for mom.. We'll see.
So time marches on and we'll see what this week brings.. New carpet for the whole main floor.. Will it help ..sell ..maybe...maybe not..
Congratulation to my second son and his wife who are expecting a new baby in Sept of this year.. DD due in July... and the circle of life goes on ..
But, I am saddened by the news lately with this two young women killed in their twenty's.. on hiking with her dog.. the other pregnant and in the marines.. How sad for their families.. But also our world that becomes more crazy every day..
peace kindness, love, joy.. respect for life.. Here in Orlando everyday there seems to be another crazy killing of innocent victims for or over materialism..Sad that things have become more important than people and relationships and family..