Sunday, July 22, 2007

Okay, three of the quilts got posted along with those wild cards of hubby and dogs and my challenge quilt from last year..
So here goes another try..
I feel as scattered as the wind at times.. Still working on cleaning up my house and getting more organized. Which is this constant battle. These 5 animals take up a good chunk of my waking hours.. feeding , cleaning, bathing, bushing, walking, and comforting in the thunderstorms.
We have had some real boomers here lately. Cats fly under the beds. The black Pomerain starts shaking and panting.. Sophie runs for cover under the coffee table. I hardly know how she fits under there. She has also tried the end tables. Poor old gal. French Fry just lazys around and looks for his two friends. Lake Bull is back in our back yard. The frogs were deftening yesterday after the storm. The temp dropped from 88 to 70 in under 2 hours.. But, still muggy.
Waiting for the next shuttle launch.

Okay, here are some of the quilts from the past 6 months.. I've had a heck of a time getting them to upload. Mostly just finding them on my computer and copying to blogger. I'm slow for sure.. but persistent.
so I'll post this and see if I can up load the last 4 or so.. Enjoy the quick view of Booker.. That quilt has 1600 3 inch scraps in it.. I call it Geezs Bend meets Jackson Pollick.. Most likely misspelled.
Where does the time go.
I'm having glucoma surgery on my right eye on wednesday of this week. My husband asked what are the possible things that could go wrong.. I said I guess I could be blind.. But, then if I do nothing for sure there would be slow blindness.. I need my eyes to sew.. So I'll take the risk..Left eye scheduled for August.. I pray no hurricanes will happen during the end of I can get this done and on to other things..
I promise to take photo's of all my 8 quilts that I finished this past 6 months.. I'm playing with a calender quilt right now.. Have gone to a new quilt group meeting for a club I was invited to. They mostly do donation work.. which is great.. They meet at night and that is hard with fibromyalgia.. I'm usually beat by evening, but I made the effort..
So hopeful.. I will post all those photo's of crazy quilts.. oops.. there are nine? Plus one I gave to grand daughter that I didn't get to sign or photo.. She was so sure her momma packed it in the car.. DOn't for get my quilt... Funny little girl..
I'm having glucoma surgery on my right eye on wednesday of this week. My husband asked what are the possible things that could go wrong.. I said I guess I could be blind.. But, then if I do nothing for sure there would be slow blindness.. I need my eyes to sew.. So I'll take the risk..Left eye scheduled for August.. I pray no hurricanes will happen during the end of I can get this done and on to other things..
I promise to take photo's of all my 8 quilts that I finished this past 6 months.. I'm playing with a calender quilt right now.. Have gone to a new quilt group meeting for a club I was invited to. They mostly do donation work.. which is great.. They meet at night and that is hard with fibromyalgia.. I'm usually beat by evening, but I made the effort..
So hopeful.. I will post all those photo's of crazy quilts.. oops.. there are nine? Plus one I gave to grand daughter that I didn't get to sign or photo.. She was so sure her momma packed it in the car.. DOn't for get my quilt... Funny little girl..