Friday, June 22, 2007

Okay, this should be a picture of one of the messy rooms in my house. Quilting has taken over every square inch here. It's either quilt or clean and quilting always wins.
I am struggling with my elevated cholesterol. For a long time I have just ignored it. But 100 points above normal and 90 points above normal LDL .. Bad cholesterol. I'm convinced I need to work on this.. So low fat diet seriously attempting and doing red yeast rice. And 6 weeks and we'll see if I'm making a dent in this.. Plus lots of oatmeal.. It's an attempt.
I've got 7 quilts completed and 8th needs binding.. So feel like I have accomplished something in the last 6 months..
Off to watch Nasa select and see the shuttle come home.. Watched the lauche two weeks ago. It was really neat. Wish I could write more eliquently like some of you do..
Friday, June 08, 2007
Where does the time go.. I truly do not know. I wake up with these grand ideas to clean the house, finish quilts, re decorate or purge the messes around here and I never quite get there. Yesterday morning I popped my lense out of my glasses.. Oh, quick run to Wal-Mart and a repair. Oh, yes, I due for a yearly exam.. Well, while I there get an appointment for the future.. Oh, you have an openning in a few minutes. Okay.. Then the fun starts.. Oh, your eye pressure is up.. Note .. Call your eye doctor.. He just happens to have a 1:45 pm opening.. I don't think it's the glacoma thing.. you just run borderline high.. But, need tests to prove this.. So in one month I go for more tests.. And there goes the whole day.. I did manage to have lunch with DH and son at a park near their work and go for a quick walk on their board walk. No camera... And I did make it to women's afternoon prayer group.. I also managed to make some sauce and pasta for supper .. Feed dogs, clean up kitchen and take dogs for two works.. What a crazy day.. But nothing done on my quilting projects, or my cleaning projects... Help send Mission Organization.. Clean sweep.. How clean is your house.. Help finish my house projects.. A painter, a carpentar, and a designer..LOL...I've got pics for my friend in PA.. Yes, they are coming,too..