Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I went to the ocean today.. Just to do something I did in my much younger days.. The ocean takes me to a whole other place. A place that is calm and restful.. I would live on the beach side if I could afford it. Way out of my league. But, I do enjoy driving over and watching the waves .. Especially today with the waves reaching 10 feet.. A nice surfer dud even talked to me about his surfing .. He got out because he was alone and felt it wasn't safe to do alone.. So we stood there on the stairs watching this 2 younger skinny kids battle the waves. With in minutes the surf had pushed them at least 1/2 mile down the beach southward.. Rip currents are amazing to watch. But I did have fun snapping pics.. Also managed to get somekind of beach debris stuck into the bottom of my foot.. Oouch.. These kids walk on the beach bare foot and keep going and here I am with crocs on with ankle socks and yes.. I get the junk stuck in my foot.. Had to use a needle to dig it out. now soaked it and put bandaid with antibiotic ointment on it.. Why me/.... I 'm a good person.. simple.. kind... I try to leave a small un notices imprint on this planet. Why me... Anyway.. such is life.
NOte to Finn.. you sound down ... I send you cheers and a big hug.. YOu could be my kindred sister... Keep quilting and give Ebby a pet from the fur kids here in Florida..
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