Friday, August 18, 2006

It has taken me 45 minutes to log on and upload this pic. Hopefully it will not crash on me. But of course it did. so we start again.. Yuck.. Why can't my life work better... I'm a good person..kind.. helpful..Oh.. I'm just moaning.
This project turned out so well considering that the 5 of us had never sewn anything together before. What a wonderful wedding gift..stitched with loving hands.
I'm down the home stretch on the butterfly twin quilt.. Hand sewing the binding.. I'm pinning the reverse amish baby quilt. it's all light colors.. I'll post pic of this quilt soon, too..
I would like a dumpster and time to go through my house and put most of it into the dumpster and have it hauled away.. Too much junk here... Simplify.. simplify.. simplify, but then I just walk away and get involved with these quilts..
I hate spiders.. Out walking the dogs and you guessed it.. I got bit by something that seems to be a spiders.. Why me Lord? Is this some kind of trial by spider. It's red, burny and swelling.. I do hate spiders...I truly want a simplier existence where there are not bugs....
Have a good weekend..
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If that spider bite gets worse, please, please go to the doctor. I was bit by a brown recluse several years ago. I was very lucky that it was on the front of my leg on the shin where there is no muscle, so it didn't get too bad. It did eat a hole in the leg, but the antibiotics helped. Also, another thing that helps is aloe. Cut off a piece of aloe and squeeze the juice on the spider bite. It really helped heal Vance's when he was bit. Take care, Pat
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If that spider bite gets worse, please, please go to the doctor. I was bit by a brown recluse several years ago. I was very lucky that it was on the front of my leg on the shin where there is no muscle, so it didn't get too bad. It did eat a hole in the leg, but the antibiotics helped. Also, another thing that helps is aloe. Cut off a piece of aloe and squeeze the juice on the spider bite. It really helped heal Vance's when he was bit. Take care, Pat
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