Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Hopefully, there is a pic of my black and white cat.. Booker. a pic of my red, white and blue quilt that just got finished last month. I had started blocks for a donation project 4 years ago. Their the blocks that didn't make it into this competition then. There is a pic of this wonderful dragonfly who I found dead one morning on my porch table. I was so sad that I took his or her pic just to remember how beautiful and wonderful it was. Then there is my annual bloom of bromileads. I started with two and it has exploded over the years by neglect. I do just let them go and they reward me every year. I do splash water on them once in a while during drought conditions.. But mostly .. They just grow.. Why you may ask. Because there is a big black indigo snake who thinks it his home. And he is correct. I sure wouldn't bother him. I respect his right to own those plants. Too funny.. It's funnier when he come up on my porch and gets into my hanging baskets or crawls up on the kitchen window outside and hisses and bobs at me. Then he's gone.. But he too is this wonderful black and keeps the frogs down to a reasonable roar.
It has rained tonight and the chores of frogs is getting loader. It is amazing to see them come out of their usual hiding places and make the racket of squeals and screams to mate in the damp puddles that form in our backyard.
Okay, enough of wild life around here. My friend and I went out to lunch at a restaurant / deli called Green Turtle today. It's over on the beachside. High rent area. Boy, for me the food was too expensive and not worth a dime. The deli part may be interesting, but I'm not paying 3.99 a pound for mashed potatoes. Re heating mashed potatoes are never as good as hot steaming fresh mashed potatoes. Why is it so difficult to boil potatoes, splash in so wonderful butter, cheese, garlic, milk , cream .. Or sour cream .. And sprinkle with chives or parsley. How hard is that. Grill a steak and steam some fresh veggies.. Paradise for me. I got their black bean beef chili soup.. Yuck.. I sent it bag and nursed my ice tea. Joyce had ordered smoked chicken ravioli which came swimming in olive oil, a few fresh cherries tomatoes, a couple slices of grilled red pepper and 10 pine nuts then they topped it with some basil pesto. and we both got one roll similiar to the bread sticks you get at Olive garden. $11.00 for 4 ravioli......I would have been happier at Olive Garden.. So I had a pb&j at home. Sad.. It was a great sandwich. I'm too simple I guess.
I've been sewing on my kawnza quilt and the fannel quilt is getting quilted row by row. it wants to stretch so it is slow going. I sew and un pin and then re pin and move on.. I did order on of John Flynn's frames. It should get her next week.. I'll hope to have kawnza ready to quilt by then..Then I have to work on Michelle and Vance's baby quilt for their little one who is what 8 weeks away.. I just am having a hard time selecting the right colors.. and design. But, it will be a surprise..
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I love your pictures! Aren't dragonflies beautiful? Have you ever noticed how the lines in their wings perfectly match the ones on the opposite side? God is such a Wonderful Maker, isn't He?
Does your husband work for a electric power company? I work for Gulf Power - have for 36 years. Email me sometime at
I'd love to chat.
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Does your husband work for a electric power company? I work for Gulf Power - have for 36 years. Email me sometime at
I'd love to chat.
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