Sunday, August 13, 2006

Good morning Sunday!
Pictures from previous post are of a quilt I made four and half years ago for my grand daughter Adah. So butterflies still fly around here. This pic is French Fry and chloe doing something that my husband caught on his digital..He is the photographer want to be. the Critic ...
I could be depressed today. But, will not let it get me down. I've walked Chloe this morning and Geoff walked French Fry and Sophie for a much longer walk. At 8 am it was already 84 degrees. Too hot for the little one. But, she sure is a character. Chloe went in back yard and worked on her three holes that she is digging. For a little dog she sure doesn't know it. The ant that moved the rubber tree for sure. Two of the holes are bigger than her little 6 pound self. I picked her up after I'd watered my orchards and put her in the bird bath to give her legs and feet a washing. Wish I could have gotten a picture of that one. She is on my lap as I try to do this..
I'm just going to quilt today.. make some tuna fish and poach a piece of salmon for supper. keep it simple for today..Maybe make some basmati rice. I just love it's sweet aroma that it adds to the kitchen.. Do I need vegetable.. maybe a tomato and some mozzerela cheese...
My shamrocks are still growing and blooming her in central florida. Amazing the will to survive..I landscape garden by ignoring, water and a little fertilizer. It's amazing what God lets survive in this ragged little attempts at plant enjoyment.
I try so hard to ignore my fibromyalgia pain, but then there are times when I'd like to curl up in a little ball and tell the world to just leave me alone. I wonder why when my brain has so many ideas to accomplish, but my body puts a halt to the actually accomplishment of completing these things. okay, .. today is a blah.. blah.. day for sure..