Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The cold slows me down.. But after they left I did 10 blocks of cats for a donation quilt for the Quazy Quilters in Melbourne Florida.. Package in the mail..
I am slowly washing linens and re organizing .. Will start putting Christmas away next week.. Will enjoy the lights for a few more days..
Will work on finishing the quilt for my mother.. and make a quicky walker bag for her new walker.. It's blue...
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I can't sew with a sinus infection. My head feels like someone kicked. Refused a cortisone shot and just took the very expensive antibiotics. Hopefully I will be feeling better Christmas.. I need to get Mom's quilt finished in the next couple of days.. will post some pictures of the development of the block.. It got a little crazy of course since with the same block you and rotate the cut and wind up with at least 16 different positions and maybe more since I am not a math major.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Battling a cold.. Baked a wonderful loaf of bread.. The suns out and I must sit and quilt .. I will get mom's quilt done.. Quilt is one I made for a friend's son's baby girl which I had not photographed. It came here to visit with a wonderful little gal who is now 7 going on 8 months old. She takes it everywhere with her. Most I give I never see again. It was a treat. The loaf of bread was great. Since I felt so bad that I didn't even want to go to the store. DH brought home milk before going out of town to work in Atlanta.. I have always been a good SAC wife...
Monday, December 07, 2009
Okay , it is cold in Birmingham for this Florida Gal.. I've knit my gd a scarp and I finished an afghan. I've got a cold Thanks to my husbands office sharing cold party.. HEE Hee....
The leaves are all gone and I can watch the planes take off from the Bessemer Airport. small planes. There is a red tail hawk circling around looking for dinner.. Careful to keep little girl on her lease and near at all time..
Will be sewing a fleece jacket today .. if I can navigate to do that.. cold one minute ..warm the next..
Friday, December 04, 2009
Black and white table runner in production.. Sending it to a friend who wants to finish it for her son and daughter in law.. It was fun.. Awaiting the arrival of snow her in Alabama. Too funny. I haven't seen snow in years.. Working on Bonnie's North Carolina or maybe Carolina Mystery Quilt. Like I needed another project. But, it sure sounds like a lot of fun.. and I'm not a big fan of making triangle blocks. LOL... Good night to all. Hope this little snow flurry leaves enough so I can see it in the morning.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009
The pics are frost on my neighborhood.. And this wonderful dish where I morphed left over turkey into a curry turkey with spinach. I added rice and left over acorn squash. It was a delicious meal..
I'm working on a new quilt for my mom since my sister let her dogs eat up the last one I gave her last October.. So I am sewing like a made women... Pics to follow of that project.. A sort of 9 patch cut up and re assembled.. easy peazey...